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A \'fly roof\' can be used to shade the entire building. It protects the core building from radiant heat and allows cooling breezes to flow beneath it.

A You've been to China before, haven't you? 你以前来过中国,不是吗?
A Zen master had a faithful but very naive student who regarded him as a living buddha. 有位禅师有个很虔诚却天真的弟子,视他为活佛。
A Zimbabwean salesman has been living there for about a year. 一位津巴布韦销售员在这个地方一直住了大约一年。
A [b]project back end[/b] that supplies applications and work units, and that handles the computational results. 工程后台提供应用程序和操作单元,并且处理计算结果。
A [i]dynamic proxy class[/i] is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime such that a method invocation through one of the interfaces on an instance of the class will be encoded and dispatched to another object through a uniform in 也就是说要用动态代理,那么一个类的行为需要实现统一的一个或多个接口才能实现,当这个类实例的方法被调用的时候,可以对之进行一些拦截处理。
A \'fly roof\' can be used to shade the entire building. It protects the core building from radiant heat and allows cooling breezes to flow beneath it. “漂浮屋顶”可以在整栋建筑上运用,达到遮阳效果。它可以保护建筑的核心部分免受热辐射,并使凉爽的微风从底下吹过。
A \'good\' landing is one from which you can walk away. A \'great\' landing is one after which they can use the plane again. 一个“好”的落地就是你可以安全的走出机舱。一次“极好”的落地就是这架飞机还可以再用。
A absorption automotive air conditioning system fed by waste heat of exhaust gas was raised, and the feasibility was discussed by analyzing the structure of the system and thermodynamics. 摘要提出了一个利用尾气余热的吸收式汽车空调系统,通过热力学计算及结构分析指出了吸收式汽车空调系统的可行性。
A acking that catche the eye will hel u ush the ales. 醒目的包装有助于我们推销产品。
A acute persecutor has been executed with salutes of flutes, and refutation of an absolute mute. 一个为害极大的迫害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的驳斥声中被处决了。
A an said cluster weapo should not be used agai t civilia . 安南星期四在约旦说,集束武器不应当用来对付平民。

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