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1 In most cases, periodic evaluation of test and control materials is necessary to determine the variation in magnitude and direction of property changes as a function of exposure time or radiant exposure.

1 In air separation, liquid carbon dioxide, dissolved acetylene and cylinder filling plants, various chemicals are used for such operations as purifying, cooling, drying, water treatment, cleaning, etc... 在空分、液态二氧化碳、溶解乙炔和气瓶充装车间,在生产中均会用到各种化学品,它们被用于纯化、冷却、干燥、水处理和清洗等。
1 In ascertaining whether the Vessel is a constructive total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value of the Vessel or wreck shall be taken into account. 1在确定船舶是否构成推定全损时,船舶的保险价值应以船舶修理后的价值为准,不应考虑船舶或残骸的受损或解体价值。
1 In ascertaining whether the subject-matter insured is a total loss, the insured value shall be taken as the repaired value and nothing in respect of the damaged or break-up value shall be taken into account. 1在确定保险标的是否构成推定全损时(船舶的)保险价值应以(船舶)修理后的价值为准,不应考虑(船舶或其残骸)的受损或解体价值。
1 In case of an order all bank charges in your country with respect to Letter of Credit should be borne by you. 订货时,贵公司因在其国内向银行申请办理信用证的所有费用应由贵公司承担。
1 In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as herein mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with Purchaser to provide the Goods and Services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisi 鉴于买方按合同规定付款给供方,供方保证向买方提供货物、服务和弥补缺陷,并保证货物和服务完全符合合同规定。
1 In most cases, periodic evaluation of test and control materials is necessary to determine the variation in magnitude and direction of property changes as a function of exposure time or radiant exposure. 在大多数情况下,有必要定期评价试验材料和控制材料,以测定(涂料)属性改变在大小和方向上的变化.该变化是暴露时间或辐射曝露量的函数.
1 In order to meet the needs of Fujian marine exploitation, instruct the disaster prevention and alleviation, safeguard the people's lives and belongings, serve the economy and society development in the inshore areas, Fujian Provincial Committee of the C 1为了适应我省海洋开发需要,指导海洋防灾减灾工作,保障人民生命财产安全,服务沿海经济和社会发展,在福建省海洋与渔业局组织实施的海洋环境观测和监测基础上,2003年中共福建省委、省人民政府把海洋环境预报通报工作列入为民办实事项目。
1 In order to recover under this insurance the Assured must have an insurable interest in the subject-matter insured at the time of the loss. 1为了根据本保险索赔,在保险标的损失当时被保险人必须具有某种可保利益。
1 In other words, there is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news. 换句话说,编辑部规则存在一种常规的故事脚本,即准备支柱和现成的叙述结构,否则会造成新的混乱。
1 In the event that the parties hereto agree to make payment by letter of credit, the Buyer shall cause the opening bank to issue an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the Seller within 30 days prior to the latest shipment date provided by the Contr 1在双方约定以信用证为付款方式时,在合同规定的最晚装运日前30天,由买方通知开户银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证,凭第5项单据条款规定的单据电汇付款。
1 In this chapter we offer arguments for the aforesaid fourfold division of order and for the interrelations that exist between essentially ordered terms. 1这一章中,我们将为秩序的上述四分法和被本质性规定的术语间的相互关系提供证明。

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