英文: On the 27th of June I will tender my resignation from the of Prime Minister to the Queen.
中文: “我将于6月27日向女王提交我卸任首相一职的辞呈。”
英文: 3 The EMPLOYEE may also upon prior thirty (30) days written notice sent to the Chief Executive Officer of the COMPANY hand over his/her resignation for personal reasons.
中文: 若由于其个人原因,该员工可提前三十天以书面形式向本公司首席执行官提出辞职。
英文: A month-long campaign to oust Taiwan's embattled presidentChen Shui-bian reached a climax yesterday as more than 1.5 million people gathered in Taipei to demand Chen's resignation for alleged corruption.
中文: 台湾长达一个月的倒扁运动于昨天掀起高潮,150多万民众聚集台北,要求四面楚歌的陈水扁下台。
英文: A spokesman for the Polish episcopate said the legal basis for the resignation was part of church law requiring a bishop to stand down if he is unable to properly exercise his office [and therefore] is strongly requested to submit his resignation.
中文: 波兰主教团发言人称,主教辞职的法理依据源于教会法,教会法要求主教在“无法正常行使职责,[并因此]遭致辞职吁请”时引咎辞职。
英文: Also, Bush's press secretary submits his resignation as the new White House chief of staff exercises his restructuring clout.
中文: 同时,布什的新闻秘书辞去他的白宫幕僚长官以对改组行使影响。