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*[,inik'skju:zәbl]\na. 没法辩解的, 不可宽赦的

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英文: CAMP DAVID, March 31 -- President Bush on Saturday condemned Irans seizure of 15 British sailors and marines as inexcusable behaviorand demanded that the hostagesbe released, weighing in for the first time as the situation escalates into a sustained confr

中文: 戴维营,3月31日-----星期六,总统布什谴责对15名英国海军人员的逮捕行动,并称这是不可宽恕的行为,要求释放这些”人质”,并第一次称这种情况会升高目前与德黑兰的对峙。        更详细...
英文: Horowitz, a neoco ervative who worked in the White House of President Ronald Reagan and testified at the hearing on Wednesday, said in a statement that it was “inexcusable that for more than two years the administration has dragged its feet” in finding a

中文: 在一项声明中他说,解决与美国一道战斗过的越南难民问题“2年多以来政府在这件事情上一直拖拖沓沓,无所作为,这是不可饶恕的”。        更详细...
英文: Horowitz, a neoconservative who worked in the White House of President Ronald Reagan and testified at the hearing on Wednesday, said in a statement that it was “inexcusable that for more than two years the administration has dragged its feet” in finding a

中文: 在一项声明中他说,解决与美国一道战斗过的越南难民问题“2年多以来政府在这件事情上一直拖拖沓沓,无所作为,这是不可饶恕的”。        更详细...
英文: Indeed, it is inexcusable that an office with such powerful tools at its disposal to enforce child support is so badly run.

中文: 尽管家庭责任办公室被赋予诸多权力,但其征收儿童赡养费的工作却如此懈怠,这种行为的确是不可宽恕的。        更详细...
英文: It is inexcusable that Europe has failed to overhaul its system, which is supplied by a ridiculous 34 different providers organised largely around national boundaries.

中文: 美国只有一个供应商,但是它的系统的早在1950年就已经开成了。        更详细...

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