Indeed, it is inexcusable that an office with such powerful tools at its disposal to enforce child support is so badly run. |
中文意思: 尽管家庭责任办公室被赋予诸多权力,但其征收儿童赡养费的工作却如此懈怠,这种行为的确是不可宽恕的。 |
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Indeed, in one pre-race test Sandstorm drove 57 miles at speeds up to 35 mph without incident.
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Indeed, in recent years Thailand has conspicuously tried to present itself as the Detroit of Asia.
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Indeed, individual place settings, and individual dining forks, arose in the15thcentury, at precisely the time that greater social mobility and interclass contact were making common pot dining until then the normseem especially unattractive.
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Indeed, it exited the first microfinance debt fund, which it helped create, three years before its ten-year commitment ran out, because there was so much interest from the private sector.
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Indeed, it is easy to imagine some sad fellow spending the morning pretending to be a polyglot professor on Wikipedia, and then becoming a buxom red-head on “Second Life”, a virtual online world, in the afternoon.
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Indeed, it is inexcusable that an office with such powerful tools at its disposal to enforce child support is so badly run.
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Indeed, it is our delight to welcome all guests with open arms in Beijing in year 2008. I am sure you will have a great Games in Beijing.
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Indeed, it is rude in the extreme.
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Indeed, it may be that the whole idea of a telephone comes to be seen as an anachronism, as personal digital devices take on a bewildering range of new functions.
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Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.
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Indeed, it may well be that those work is their pleasure are those who and most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.
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