英文: Others point to the nation's predominantly tropical climate where men and women wear less clothes and are more concerned about making the best of what they have on show.
中文: 另外一些意见则认为,巴西之所以盛行,不管是男性,还是女性都穿的很暴露。是因为巴西人更为关心的是,他们要向人们展露他们认为是自己最为美好的一部分。
英文: S. Thailand has a humid tropical climate with a pronounced dry season (Dec-Feb), annual rainfalls between 1400 and 1800 mm, and a cumulative moisture deficit of 250 - 350 mm.
中文: 泰国南部属热带湿润气候,旱季明显(12~2月),年降水量为1400~1800毫米,累积水分亏缺250~350毫米。
英文: The sub-tropical climate lures office workers to sun themselves in the early evening on the golden chain of Pacific beaches; million-dollar yachts chase rust-stained dinghies between the cream-and-green ferries on the harbour; ships like concrete blocks g
中文: 亚热带气候吸引着白领阶层在傍晚时分的太平洋黄金海岸边享受阳光;港口里白绿相间的船只之间,价值百万的游艇追逐着斑驳生锈的小划艇;坚固如混凝土大楼的船只穿过港口大桥,驶入集装箱码头,游客站在仿18世纪的海船船舷上微笑着。
英文: Their economy is based primarily on agriculture and merchandising, although the tropical climate and small islands off the coast attract many tourists as well.
中文: 农作和商业是两大经济支柱,不过热带气候和离岸小岛亦吸引许多观光客。
英文: We have a tropical climate here.
中文: 我们这里是热带性气候。