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economic structure

【经】 经济结构

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英文: A strategic adjustment of agriculture and rural economic structure should be taken to promote the utilization rate of soil and water resource, according to China's Guidelines of Sustainable Development in the 21st Century.Agricultural sustainable developm

中文: 摘要根据《中国21世纪初可持续发展行动纲要》的要求,必须对农业和农村经济结构进行战略性调整,提高土地和水资源的利用率,减少对环境的污染和对生态环境的破坏;调整种植业、养殖业内部结构,优化农业生产区城布局,大力推进农业产业化经营,推进乡镇企业技术进步和体制创新,实现农业可持续发展。        更详细...
英文: At present, with the reform turn further and deeply, between the citizen and government, because of the adjustment of the economic structure and the benefits allotment being not appropriate, the community affairs has become an outstanding factor of affect

中文: 摘要随着改革进一步深化,在公民与政府之间,由于经济结构和利益分配的调整不当引发的君体性事件已成为影响社会心理的一个突出因素。        更详细...
英文: Chinese President Hu Jintao said China must accelerate the changes of economic growth pattern by promoting strategic readjustment of economic structure and technological innovation and continuing to cling to reforms.

中文: 参考译文:中国国家主席胡锦涛说,中国必须加快转变经济增长方式,促进经济结构的战略调整,推动技术创新,继续坚定不移地进行改革。        更详细...
英文: Family Enterprises is the rise in China's economic structure drastic changes, the rules of the game keep changing the background, With its unique advantage in the fierce competition gradually expanded, is also regarded as the most universal significance o

中文: 家族企业的兴起是在中国经济体制剧烈变革、游戏规则不断变更的背景下产生的,它以其特有的优势在激烈的竞争中逐步的发展壮大,也被认为是最有普遍意义的企业类型。        更详细...
英文: Ministry of finance shows that they adjusted the tariff for the purpose of promoting to adjust economic structure and change the way of trade growing,and enviornmental protection and natural resources.

中文: 财政部表示关税调整目的在于促进经济结构调整和贸易增长方式的转变,以及环境保护和天然资源。        更详细...

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