英文: About 16,000 childless Korean couples will be able to obtain a government subsidy for half the cost of their IVF treatment.
中文: 大约16000对没有子女的韩国夫妇将能在其接受试管受精治疗时,获得半额的政府津贴。
英文: And surely a man shall see the noblest works and foundations have proceeded from childless men; which have sought to express the images of their minds, where those of their bodies have failed.
中文: 然而,为什么有的没有留下后代者却留下了流芳百世的功业?因为他们虽然未能复制一种肉体,却全力以赴地复制了一种精神。
英文: Many low-income families, single people and childless couples have also been left behind, according to analysis by the Canberra-based economic modelling institute NATSEM.
中文: 根据位于堪培拉的经济模拟和分析机构NATSEM的分析,许多低收入家庭,独身者和没有孩子的夫妇被这一政策所忽视.
英文: Married mothers who also hold jobs, despite having to juggle career and home, enjoy better health than their underemployed or childless peers.
中文: 那些婚后仍然工作的母亲,尽管不得不在事业和家庭之间努力维持平衡,但她们却比那些不工作的和没有孩子的同龄女性更健康。
英文: [NIV] They prey on the barren and childless woman, and to the widow show no kindness.
中文: 21[和合]他恶待(或作“他吞灭”)不怀孕不生养的妇人,不善待寡妇。