英文: A decision over Paolo Di Canio's future is expected imminently as Lazio consider whether to offer the veteran striker a new contract.
中文: 迪卡尼奥关于未来的决定即将作出,决定取决于拉齐奥是否考虑向这名锋线老将提供新合同。
英文: “David is a superb striker and I just want to take advantage of my chances.
中文: 大卫是一名超级前锋,我仅希望能够利用我的机会好好踢球.
英文: “I try to play fair and I try to control my striker with fair play.
中文: “我努力做到公平竞赛,和我的对手踢得干净一些。
英文: “The left winger was playing inside, the right winger was playing inside, the striker was playing on the left, the midfielders were playing in the same line, nobody playing in different lines.
中文: “左翼在里边踢球,右翼也在里边踢球,前锋在左边踢球,中场也在左边踢球,根本就没有层次。
英文: “The negotiations been Milan and Chelsea will not be easy as we are talking about the best striker in the world, the top scorer in the 2005-06 Champions League, with nine goals, and second all-time in Rossoneri history on 173.
中文: 米兰与切尔西之间的谈判将不是件容易的事情,因为我们在谈论世界上最好的前锋,05-06赛季欧冠最佳射手,打进9个,(加盟米兰后共)射入173球,在红黑军团历史上位列第二。