英文: Continental drift The theory that present-day continents have arisen by the breaking up and drifting apart of a previously existing ancient land mass (Pangaea).
中文: 大陆漂移说:现今的大陆是由以前的大陆破裂并分离漂移而逐渐形成的学说。
英文: Continental drift is now believed to reflect the movement over geological time of underlying plates in the earth's crust-the theory of plate tectonics.
中文: 板块构造学说提出后,大陆漂移说又获得了新的含义,它反映了地壳运动和大州大洋的分布规律。
英文: Most people today believe that scientists have proved that continental drift has occurred in the past and still is occurring. But, is this the truth? Convincing evidence may show otherwise.
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