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Most people today believe that scientists have proved that continental drift has occurred in the past and still is occurring. But, is this the truth? Convincing evidence may show otherwise.

Most people think of going shopping as a relaxing break from their hectic work schedules. 大多数人把购物当作是从繁忙的工作当中解脱出来的放松休息。
Most people think of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, as a pure spiral, but astronomers now know it is actually a barred spiral. 大多数的人认为我们自身的银河系是个单纯的螺旋星系,但天文学家现在知道它其实是个棒旋星系。
Most people think of pizza as Italian, even though they probably got their first taste of the dish from an American 1)chain restaurant such as Pizza Hut or Domino's. 尽管大部分的人第一次吃比萨是在必胜客或达美乐这类的美式连锁店,他们还是认为比萨是意大利食品。
Most people think of software as all of the amazing application programs available today for microcomputers. 很多人认为软件就是目前微机上使用的所有令人惊奇的应用程序。
Most people thought that the relationship between a twentyish man and a fortyish woman was completely inappropriate. 大多数人都觉得一个二十多岁的男人和四十多岁的女人谈恋爱是绝对不合适的。
Most people today believe that scientists have proved that continental drift has occurred in the past and still is occurring. But, is this the truth? Convincing evidence may show otherwise. 【如果这些信息对您有帮助,请认真考虑奉献以帮助我们支付将此建造信仰的服事带给您和您家人的费用。此奉献是可以免税的。】
Most people today have at least one toilet, and lots of toilet paper, inside their homes. 今天,大多数人的家中至少都有一个马桶和许多卫生纸。
Most people try NOT to simply use scaling for squash and stretch. 但大部分人都不是简单的改变角色的缩放比例来实现挤压拉伸效果。
Most people use credit cards—but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer. 很多人使用信用卡﹣但是他们明白信用卡公司合约书上面那些专业用词吗?
Most people visit zoos to see the animals - but visitors to Antwerp Zoo in Belgium are being told not to look at the apes. 去动物园的人都爱仔细观察动物们的表情,但是比利时安特卫普动物园近日却要求游人不要和猩猩等猿类动物进行长时间的目光交流,因为这会导致它们患上忧郁症。
Most people were favorable to the idea. 大多数人赞成这个主意。

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