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a point of view


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英文: Not necessarily from a financial perspective but from a point of view where you can win trophies and compete against the AC Milans and Barcelonas of this world.

中文: “他的出发点并不是仅仅是高薪,对他而言更重要的是在那里他有机会赢得更多的奖杯,而且会得到更多与AC米兰、巴塞罗那这样的传统强队交手的机会。        更详细...
英文: From a point of view of self-reflection, Habermas has revealed the relation of knowledge to interest, criticized the positivist epistemology and its view of science and paved the road to the construction of basis of social critical theory.

中文: 哈贝马斯从认识对自身的反思入手,揭示了认识与兴趣的关系,批判了实证主义的认识论及其科学观,为奠定社会批判理论的认识论基础扫清了道路。        更详细...
英文: It is for this reason that often those of great fame have such abusive energy fields from a point of view of harmlessness.

中文: 就是这个原因,通常有着巨大声誉的人有着如此滥用的能量场到有害的点。        更详细...
英文: Since the Age of Enlightenment a point of view has developed concerning the nature of religion which, although it is a typically rationalistic misconception, deserves mention because it is so widely disseminated.

中文: 自从启蒙时代以来,关于宗教的特性,有人提出一个观念在此值得一提,因为它流传甚广,虽然从理性来看是个错误的观念。        更详细...
英文: “The main thing from a Chelsea point of view is to have gone through but for such a great player to have won just the one Premiership medal and nothing else is a shame because he has probably been best player in the Premiership over the years.

中文: “一个切尔西观点的主要内容是,经历了那么多,却除了英超冠军奖牌之外什么也没拿到,这对于一个伟大的运动员来说是一种耻辱,因为他可能是这么多年来英超的最佳球员。        更详细...

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