英文: A case study was presented to explain the use of FAHP and demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of this approach.
中文: 最后,本研究以生态边坡工法评选为案例,來說明本法的分析程序与验证方法的有效性与实用性。
英文: A new technology based on molecular logic gates, jointly developed by HP labs and UCLA, can store vast amounts of data permanently, yield a 100 billion reduction in power consumption, and put 100 workstations on the size of a grain of sand.
中文: 一件HP研究室及UCLA大学合作发展出来耶分子开关技术,有法度永远记录足侪资料、比今阿日耶技术省电一千亿倍、一粒沙遐细粒仔囝耶晶体有法度代替今阿日一百台工作站型电脑耶计算能力。
英文: AHP provides print and CD format in English.
中文: 该标准提供英文印刷版和电子版。
英文: After all that soul-searching, prototyping an app in PHP was like a cool breeze on a hot day.
中文: 经过大量的搜索后,用PHP开发原型就像酷暑中一道清凉的风。
英文: All users of PHP are encouraged to upgrade to this release.
中文: 所有用户的php鼓励升级到这个版本。