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join hands with

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英文: As the human resource service partner of 2008 Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, FESCO, with its powerful strength and extensive resources in human resources, will join hands with the foreign enterprises and their employees to participate in the Olympi

中文: 作为2008年北京奥组委人力资源服务协作伙伴,FESCO凭借自身在人力资源专业的雄厚实力和丰富资源,携手广大外资企业和外企员工,积极参与奥运、服务奥运,为成功举办一届有特色、高水平的奥运会,作出最大的努力和应有的贡献。        更详细...
英文: Beijing Cheijing Technology Company hopes to join hands with you to add more green to our city and jointly create better living environment for all.

中文: 北京诚极广域科技公司愿与您一道,为我们的城市增添绿色、创造生态优美的人居环境而共同努力。        更详细...
英文: China is willing to join hands with other WTO member to actively promote the establishment of a fair, reasonable international economic new order in order to let more countries including the developing ones share the opportunities and benefits brought abo

中文: 中国愿同世贸组织其他成员一道,积极推动建立公正、合理的国际经济新秩序,让包括广大发展中国家在内的更多国家,一起分享多边贸易体制带来的机会和利益,实现利益的均衡和共同发展。        更详细...
英文: Companies adhere to the customer-orientatedbusiness ideas and products that companies are implementing a repair kit, Baotui, proventhree services, the Chinese woman, who will sincerely welcome your presence arms, and is willing to join hands with you to a

中文: 公司坚持“用户至上”的经营理念,凡公司产品均实行“包修、包退、包换”的三包服务,质朴的华月人将以真诚的双臂欢迎您的光临,愿与您携手再创辉煌!        更详细...
英文: I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with this governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification,one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and

中文: 我梦想着,有那么一天,就在邪恶的种族主义者仍然对黑人活动横加干涉的阿拉巴马州,就在其统治者拒不取消种族歧视政策的阿拉巴马州,黑人儿童将能够与白人儿童如同兄弟姐妹一般,手挽手,肩并肩,同步而行。        更详细...

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