英文: A river of fire was flowing And coming out from before Him; Thousands upon thousands were attending Him, And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him; The court sat, And the books were opened.
中文: 但7:10从他面前有火像河发出、事奉他的有千千、在他面前侍立的有万万.他坐著要行审判、案卷都展开了。
英文: An excess of male lives will turn a personality sour in a feminine manner, without the inner understanding and compassion that is usually associated with the female sex.
中文: “过多的男性投身会使人格的女性风格变味,而失去了通常与女性相关联的内在的理解和关怀;同样,连续地以女性的人格投胎会使人格的男性风格变得粗糙,而失去了通常与男性关联的内在的力量。
英文: And here you are, a brood of sinners, standing in the place of your fathers and making the LORD even more angry with Israel.
中文: 14谁知,你们起来接续先祖,增添罪人的数目,使耶和华向以色列大发烈怒。
英文: Are your bones itching?demanded Whiskers Wang, standing up too and putting on his coat.
中文: “你的骨头痒了么?”王胡也站起来,披上衣服说。
英文: As the game went on our confidence grew and we had much better possession, but the Chelsea players were just standing around.
中文: 比赛场上,我们更多的占据着主动,而切尔西球员则是站在那里不动―――阿杜批评道。