英文: Male rats and mice with chemically induced folate deficiency have impaired spermatogenesis and are infertile.
中文: 要是以化学方法使雄性大鼠与小鼠体内缺乏叶酸,牠们制造精子的机制就不能正常运作,因而丧失生殖能力。
英文: The testes of Pseudobagurs fulvidraco (Richardson) can be divided into two parts.The anterior part is spermatogenic part where spermatogenesis proceed.The posterior part of it is the seminal vesicle,which can store sperms and produce large amount of fluid
中文: 黄颡鱼的精巢从外形上分为上、下两段.上段为生精部,下段为贮精囊.性成熟黄颡鱼精巢的生精部为小叶型结构,其周年变化经历如下过程:Ⅲ期—Ⅳ期—Ⅴ期—Ⅵ期—Ⅲ期.4月下旬开始生精活动的启动.生殖季节为5~7月,5月生精部处于Ⅳ期.6~7月生精部处于Ⅴ期,产生大量精子.8~11月虽非生殖季节,生精部仍进行生精活动.12月至翌年4月,生精部处于Ⅵ期,并以Ⅵ期精巢过冬.贮精囊在生殖季节分泌活动旺盛,产生大量分泌物.
英文: In vitro induction of spermatogenesis in male Japanese eel,Anguilla japonica, by methyl testosterone and androstenedione;
中文: 甲基睾酮与雄烯二酮诱导日本鳗鲡精子发生:离体研究
英文: But the risen temperature (< ℃ ) had no effects on dichotomous spermatogenesis and the shift of spermatogenesis from eupyrene sperms to apyrene.
中文: 但 ℃温度以下不影响真核到无核精子的发生和二叉发生的转换。
英文: Chromosome numbers were n=8+XO,Meiosis during spermatogenesis in cicadas was similar to those in Membracoidea,Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea,but different from those in Fulgoroidea in prophase Ⅰ without diffuse stage.
中文: 果表明, 种蝉的染色体数目均为n=8+XO。 蝉科的减数分裂过程类似于角蝉科、沫蝉科和叶蝉科,与蜡蝉科显著不同的是其减数分裂前期无弥散期。