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But the risen temperature (< ℃ ) had no effects on dichotomous spermatogenesis and the shift of spermatogenesis from eupyrene sperms to apyrene.
但 ℃温度以下不影响真核到无核精子的发生和二叉发生的转换。

But the CC genotype has twosingle-nucleotide changed: the C of A+9 mutate into T、the G of A+8 mutate into A. 而AA 基因型发现了两处突变,分别是:A+7 处C 突变为T、A+8 处G 突变为A。
But the cord around neck cycles group had significant higher morbility of fetus distress than the non-cord-entanglement group and the cord around body or membrum one had(P<0.0),as neonatal asphyxia(P<0.0)。 脐带绕颈 周和绕身、肢体组与无脐带缠绕组比较 ,胎儿窘迫率有极显著升高 (P<0 .0 ) ,胎儿重度窒息率有显著升高 (P<0 .0 ) ;
But the definite mechanisms remain elusive. 但其具体机制不明。
But the pathogenesis of SARS is still elusive. 但是关于SARS的致病机制仍然不很清楚。
But the ratio of T plants for CP +∶CP - is ∶. . They diverged from Mendel′s Law; T代植株分离比CP+ ∶CP-为 ∶. ,偏离孟德尔分离定律 ;
But the risen temperature (< ℃ ) had no effects on dichotomous spermatogenesis and the shift of spermatogenesis from eupyrene sperms to apyrene. 但 ℃温度以下不影响真核到无核精子的发生和二叉发生的转换。
But there are somehow pressure and risks in competition. 但是竞争本身也存在一定的压力和风险。
But there is few study on the cellphone spam, it just because at present, most of the advertising on mobile phone are inveracious, that made people detest it, and also made them suspect the feasibility of the cellphone spam. 然而在手机上做广告却一直为人们所讳言,主要是因为大量的虚假广告、垃圾短信让人们对手机广告产生厌恶情绪,让人们对手机广告的可行性产生疑惑。
But there is much quarrel to the penalty for voluntary surrender in theory and practice. 但自首的处罚在理论和实践中仍然存在一些问题,有必要加以研究。
But there were significant decreases in chalky rice grain rate under FACE conditions, by .% and 9.7% for IR and ASO respectively. FACE对水稻粒长、粒宽以及粒形无显著影响,但与对照相比,IR和Asominori的垩白米率却由对照下的9. %和 0.8%显著降低至8.9 %和.78%;
But there were significant difference in the bilateral pannus among patients with various arthritis(χ=.88, P<0.00). 各种关节炎组在双侧关节血管翳方面的差异有统计学意义(χ=.88,P<0.00)。

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