英文: CRM is a business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction by organizing the enterprise around customer segments, fostering customer-centric behavior and implementing customer-centric process.
中文: CRM是一项商业策略,它通过依据市场细分组织企业资源、培养以客户为中心的经营行为、执行以客户为中心的业务流程等手段来优化获利能力、收入和客户满意度。
英文: Encourage all the staff to establish the idea of customer-centric and to focus on customer satisfaction.
中文: 教育全体员工树立“以客户为中心”的思想,一切让客户满意。
英文: Gilbertson shared with the delegates how innovations in manufacturing processes, expansion in research and development, performance-based compensation models, customer-centric orientation and referral marketing strategies had helped Synergy Group get out
中文: 其中,供与会代表参考的案例有如何利用制造流程,研发扩编,依表现恤薪,顾客导向与市场策略的创新,使公司由濒临破产边缘,三年内成功推进16项新领域,并达到连续七年年成长超过10%的目标.