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land value


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英文: All of the land value should be paid 7 days before land use certificate is transacted by the industrial zone acting as an agent.

中文: 工业城全程代理办妥土地使用证前7天付清全额地价款。        更详细...
英文: Article 16 The time limits for payment of land value difference mentioned in Paragraph 2, Article 9 of the Act, payment of fine in Paragraph 2, Article 17, removal of facilities on the lands in Paragraph 3, Article 17, and removal or return to original co

中文: 第16条本条例第九条第二项缴纳差额地价、第十七条第二项缴纳罚锾、第三项迁移土地上之设施及第二十一条第二项拆除回复原状之期限,均以三十日为准。        更详细...
英文: Article 28 The multiple for the land value tax additionally levied under Paragraph 1, Article 18 of the Act shall be determined by the authority of development together with the departments of land administration, finance, and taxation considering the dev

中文: 第28条依本条例第十八条第一项规定加徵地价税之倍数,由开发主管机关会商地政、财政及管辖稽徵机关,视新市镇发展情形拟订,层报行政院核定。        更详细...
英文: For example, in Mainland China, the use of the scientific method to monitor the level of land value is an excellent approach for land policy, and the method of lot assessment in Taiwan is an efficient method that allow mass appraisal for public sector par

中文: 经本文分析发现,评价体系上,大陆地区于利用土地分等定级掌握地价层次的成就较大,台湾地区则以宗地地价的评估表现较佳。        更详细...
英文: However, in case construction is still not commenced or finished upon expiration of the postponed period, thus making the building license invalid, additional land value tax will be levied for the period computed from expiration of the time limit for cons

中文: 但展期后仍逾期不开工或逾期未完工致建造执照作废者,追溯自其超出限期建筑使用期限当年期起至开工建筑当年期止,依该规定加徵地价税。        更详细...

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