英文: Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins.
中文: 在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。
英文: Caudal edges have to be straight or curving outwards, and not bending inwards.
中文: 尾鳍边缘一定要直或是向外弯曲,不能向内弯折。
英文: Specifically, a halfmoon betta must have a caudal where both ends are exactly 180 degrees apart or more, spreading towards the front.
中文: 具体来说,半月斗鱼一定要具备开展朝向前方,180°以上的尾鳍。
英文: The quest for the perfect halfmoon by selectively breeding for branching and straight caudal edges has given rise to a new development in the betta splendens tailforms - the Rosetail.
中文: 为追求最完美的半月斗鱼,经由淘汰育种,培育巨大或直挺的尾鳍,斗鱼尾鳍样式已经演化出一新的支系,著名的玫瑰尾斗鱼。
英文: The term caudal means nearer to the tail and is used in description of embryos.
中文: 尾侧意指靠近尾部,常用在胚胎的描述中。