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Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins.

Among the headlines in this month‘s i ue: Getting Along with your Roommate,Top 5 Places to Eat Off-campusand Top 10 Reaso to Co ider Joining Campus Recreation Activities. 本月出版的资讯手册包括以下内容:《与你的室友好好相处》、《校园5家好馆子》和《参加校内娱乐活动的10大理由》。
Among the headlines in this month‘s issue: Getting Along with your Roommate,Top 5 Places to Eat Off-campusand Top 10 Reasons to Consider Joining Campus Recreation Activities. 本月出版的资讯手册包括以下内容:《与你的室友好好相处》、《校园5家好馆子》和《参加校内娱乐活动的10大理由》。
Among the health behaviors of the sample, the score of the no tobacco, alcohol and other drug useis the highest, followed by the unintentional and intentional injuries, the dietary behaviors, and the physical activityis the lowest one. 研究结果发现:受测者之健康概念是整体、多元面向且较正向性的,以「调适性健康概念」得分最高,其次是「安宁幸福性健康概念」、「角色功能健康概念」,而以「临床性健康概念」得分最低。
Among the herd of livestock and poultry, there shall be no individual corral for feeding, except the following: sire, young animal or poultry, small-scale rearing, sick, and giving birth – after the confirmation process has been completed. 群饲之畜禽不能个别圈饲,但下列情况除外:种公畜禽、幼畜禽、小规模饲养、生病及分娩等,惟应经过认可。
Among the holy grails his team is chasing are a potential billionfold improvement in present-day calorimetry, which would allow observation of the individual heat quanta being exchanged as nanodevices cool, and a potential quadrillion-fold increase in the 他的团队追求的圣杯之一,是让现有量热器灵敏10亿倍,藉以量测奈米元件冷却时释放的一个个热量子;另一个圣杯是灵敏千兆倍的磁共振成像,三维的解析度可达原子大小,藉以观测复杂的生物分子。
Among the hundreds of guppy varieties, the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins. 在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。
Among the institutions that generated evolutionary bottlenecks are the Islamic law of inheritance, which inhibited capital accumulation; the absence in Islamic law of the concept of a corporation and the consequent weaknesses of civil society; and the waq 对进化起阻碍作用的制度包括限制了资本积累的伊斯兰继承法;伊斯兰教法中公司概念的缺乏以及随之而来的市民社会的薄弱;还有穆斯林宗教与社团组织,它将大量资源限制在非生产性的组织之内来提供社会服务。
Among the internet-related cases, agreement jurisdiction reveals its advantages of determinacy and predictability determined by jurisdiction owing to the traditional dependency brought by internet non-boundaries and the indeterminacy brought by personal j 在互联网案件中,面对互联网的无边界性所带来的传统属地和属人管辖规则难以确定的情况,协议管辖尽显其在互联网案件中管辖权确定的确定性和可预见性的优势。
Among the issues to be resolved are which products or services would be exempt, how the city's small shops would manage the cost of administering the tax, and whether other taxes would be lowered to cushion the impact of a drop in spending. 有待解决的相关问题很多,其中包括哪几种商品或服务可以免税、香港那些小店铺如何应付纳税成本,以及能否降低其它一些税收,以缓解消费支出下降造成的冲击。
Among the items is a page from her junior high school notebook containing her handwritten book report on Rex Warner's translation of Antigone. 其中有一件拍卖物品是她初中笔记本中的一页文章,上面写的是她读雷克斯·瓦纳翻译的《安提戈涅》的读书报告。
Among the items mentioned were: a crackdown on street-racing, longer prison sentences for crimes involving guns, and fewer house arrests. 这些项目包括:打击街道赛车,对涉及枪支的犯罪延长监狱刑罚,和减少家庭监视居住。

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