英文: As one of three injury types in the injury determination of antidumping law, the provisions of the material retardation in international antidumping agreement and the antidumping laws in many countries including Canada are so general and vague that it is
中文: 作为反倾销法中损害认定三种损害类型中的一种,国际反倾销协议和各国反倾销法包括发达国家如加拿大的反倾销法对其规定得都较为概括模糊,因此有必要对加拿大国际贸易法庭对有关实质性阻碍的案例解释进行分析,以明确该损害标准的适用规则。
英文: The fact that more countries are adopting antidumping laws to increase this ex-poseur.
中文: 越来越多的国家正在实施反倾销法,增加了倾销行为的曝光机会。