英文: 1 the carrier will charge the rates set forth in annex a of this contract for all cargo shipped pursuant thereto during its terms .
中文: 在合同期限内,承运人将对符合合同规定的所运货物按照合同附件的规定收取费用。
英文: 15 This Insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee.
中文: 承运人或其他保管人不得主张本保险的利益。
英文: 2 beneficiary's certificate required as per following format: we certify having made arrangement with the carrier to place the copy of invoice and packing list on the inner side of the door of each container carrying deatails of goods inside it .
中文: 翻译:受益人出示证明:我们证明:在每个集装箱里面,我们都放上了发票和装箱单.在发票和装箱上都详细的描写货物的情况.
英文: [Article 16] Where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a Customs office, or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure, the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter t
中文: 第十六条进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品,运输工具负责人应当立即报告附近海关。
英文: “This woman walked in with the bottle in an old carrier bag and said she thought it might be worth money, and the more I looked into it the more exciting it became,” Thomas said.
中文: 「这位女士以旧手提袋装酒,走进来说,她想这瓶酒或许值钱,而我愈是细究这瓶酒就变得愈是兴奋,」汤玛斯说。