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*[kәn'vi:n]\nvt. 集合, 召集, 召唤\nvi. 聚集, 集合

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英文: After hearing of opposition reluctance to convene an extraordinary session, Minister of Economic Affairs He Mei-yue hurried to the Legislature at noon Wednesday to shore up her support within the DPP.

中文: 立法院九月份就要开议,在野党反对八月底前召开临时会的态度强硬,经济部长何美玥听到后很著急,赶在中午拜会民进党团争取支持。        更详细...
英文: All he has said is that America will try to convene talks later this year with the governments of the ten or 15 biggest polluters, in an attempt to come up with a global target for emissions reductions by the end of next year.

中文: 他的所有言行不过是指出,美国将会于今年晚些时候尽力召集10个或15个最大的污染国政府展开对话,力求在明年年底前达成一个有关温室气体减排的全球目标。        更详细...
英文: Article 111 The board of directors shall convene at least two meetings every year, and shall notice all directors and supervisors 10 days before it holds a meeting.

中文: 第一百一十一条董事会每年度至少召开两次会议,每次会议应当于会议召开十日前通知全体董事和监事。        更详细...
英文: Article 13: The board of directors of the listed company shall announce its Share buyback resolution and preliminary plan for the Share buyback within two working days of adopting the resolution, and issue a notice to convene a shareholders' general meeti

中文: 第十三条上市公司董事会应当在做出回购股份决议后的两个工作日内公告董事会决议、回购股份预案,并发布召开股东大会的通知。        更详细...
英文: Article 21 In a village with a larger population or with the inhabitants scattered here and there, villagers representatives may be elected, and the villagers committee shall convene a meeting of the villagers representatives to decide on matters through

中文: 第二十一条人数较多或者居住分散的村,可以推选产生村民代表,由村民委员会召集村民代表开会,讨论决定村民会议授权的事项。        更详细...

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