英文: At the door of his car , it seemed stupid to him to drive the measly half block home .
中文: 在车门旁,他觉得只有半条街这点短的可怜的路还开车回家很愚蠢。
英文: So when he spotted Veronica leaving the dentists' building, unmistakably her although he was ten stories high and she was bundled against the winter winds, he left his office without bothering with a topcoat and ambushed her on the sidewalk a half block a
中文: 所以当他准确无误地看真切了她从牙医办公楼走出时,——虽然他身在十楼,冬日的寒风又紧紧地裹着她的身子,——他便顾不得披上外套就急匆匆地下了楼,在半个街区远的行人道上悄悄地守候着她。