英文: 5 The Seller is to pay the penalty to the Buyer at rate of 3 % (say three percent only) of the total sum of the order, in case if the Seller has delivered the commodities with the package for each commodities not corresponding to the request-out, lended a
中文: 如果卖方所提供的货物的包装没根据买方提供和确认的要求,那么卖方必须付给买方订单总金额的3%(百分之三)作为赔偿。
英文: 6 The Seller is to pay the penalty to the Buyer at rate of 3 % (say three percent only) of the total sum of the order, in case if the Seller has delivered the commodities with the text and the size of the labels not corresponding to the requests-out, lend
中文: 如果卖方提供的货物带的标贴的内容和尺寸不根据买方提供和确认的要求,那么卖方必须付给买方订单总金额的3%(百分之三)作为赔偿。
英文: 7 The Seller is to pay the penalty to the Buyer at rate of 3 % (say three percent only) of the total sum of the order, in case if the Seller has delivered the commodities with the labels situated not in the place requested by Buyer, which information was
中文: 如果卖方提供的货物上的标贴没有按买方的要求贴在指定的位置,那么卖方必须付给买方订单总金额的3%(百分之三)作为赔偿。
英文: Article 15 The total amount of investment of a contractual JV refers to the total sum of capital required by the production and operation scale regulated in the JV contract and articles of association.
中文: 第十五条合作企业的投资总额,是指按照合作企业合同、章程规定的生产经营规模,需要投入的资金总和。
英文: Article 16 The registered capital of a contractual JV refers to the total sum of capital agreed to be contributed by all parties and registered with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce for establishing the venture.
中文: 第十六条合作企业的注册资本,是指为设立合作企业,在工商行政管理机关登记的合作各方认缴的出资额之和。