She worried for fear that the child would be hurt.
中文: 她忧心忡忡,生怕孩子受伤。 更详细进入...
Why do you look so upset today?
中文: 为什么你今天忧心忡忡的? 更详细进入...
Prime Minister Tony Blair was somber.
中文: 而英国首相布莱尔则是忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
The old woman have a careworn look on her face..
中文: 老妇脸上露出忧心忡忡的神色。 更详细进入...
Concerned parents held a meeting.
中文: 忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。 更详细进入...
Kings and bears oft worry keepers.
中文: 国王和熊,常使守护人忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
It is also what makes his remaining in power so worrying.
中文: 他掌权津巴布韦也是人忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
Meanwhile, Sharon wondered why I had not returned.
中文: 与此同时,沙伦对我的不归忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
All the staff waited for the committee's decision with a great deal of apprehension.
中文: 员工们忧心忡忡地等待着委员会的决定。 更详细进入...
Spawning of Interloper Fish in Potomac Worries Experts
中文: 黑鱼入侵波拖马可河中产卵令专家忧心忡忡 更详细进入...
Suggestive or expressive of melancholy thoughtfulness.
中文: 忧心忡忡的,郁郁寡欢的让人联想起或表达忧郁的沉思的 更详细进入...
However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.
中文: 但他同时也忧心忡忡,怕她与其他男人跑了。 更详细进入...
A couple of grief counselors might find work there too.
中文: 一群忧心忡忡的法律顾问们也会在那里找到活计。 更详细进入...
5 My grandfather's glum genes, which skipped my merry father, have reflowered in me as a major, all-purpose anxiety.
中文: 我祖父身上爱忧愁的基因,跃过了我那快活的父亲,却重新在我身上再现:我对每件事都爱忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
Worried about leaving your house empty while on holiday? Japan has the answer: a robot house-sitter.
中文: 你是否常为度假在外无人看家而忧心忡忡?现在,日本研制成功的看门机器人能为你解除后顾之忧。 更详细进入...
Bond markets took this to mean that a pause was imminent and inflation hawks began to fret.
中文: 债市将这视为加息周期结束的信号,反通胀强硬派人士也开始变得忧心忡忡。 更详细进入...
The most anxiety-ridden part of its flight yet to come, Shuttle Discovery leaves the International Space Station and heads for home.
中文: 忧心忡忡的。由于事故不断,美国空间局对此次发现号能否安全返回地面并无把握。 更详细进入...
If things are getting badly on top of me I find there's nothing better to go off my home town and go fishing with dad.
中文: 如果情况变得让我忧心忡忡,我觉得最好的解决办法是离开家乡,与爸爸一起去钓鱼。 更详细进入...
But she also starts off with worryingly high negatives: in a recent poll her “unfavourables” were as high as her favourables, at 36%.
中文: 但也有一点让她忧心忡忡:在最近的民意调查中,她的不受欢迎度和受欢迎度一样,高达36%。 更详细进入...
U.S. trade deficit or balance of payments deficit is a do not shed tears deficit,the United States need not worried about To this end without tears.
中文: 美国的贸易赤字或国际收支赤字的确是“不流眼泪的赤字”,美国无需为此忧心忡忡,无需为此流泪。 更详细进入...