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    Article 38 The standard railway gauge shall be 1435mm. Standard gauge must be adopted in the construction of a new State railway.

    中文: 第三十八条铁路的标准轨距为1435毫米。新建国家铁路必须采用标准轨距。 更详细进入...
    An existence theorem concerning denumerable 1-homoclinic orbits and countable families of 1-periodic orbits was given under a generic condition; and an intuitionistic description about those orbits was also given.

    中文: 证明在通有条件下,该异宿环附近存在可数无穷多条1-同宿轨,和可数无穷多个1-周期轨的单参数族,同时对这些周期轨和同宿轨作了直观描述。 更详细进入...
    The wave involves the synchronization of stellar orbits.

    中文: 密度波牵涉到恒星轨道的同步化。 更详细进入...
    The definition of the light rail transit system is listed and compared. Then, a series of subsystem, such as the rail track, vehicle, power-supply, signal, collecting fees, are introduced.

    中文: 摘要简述了轻轨交通的定义,并从钢轨、钢轨系统、扣件系统、轨道承受系统及线路型式,介绍了轻轨交通的轨道系统,从车辆系统、信号系统、供电系统、收费系统等不同侧面概述了轻轨交通的机电系统。 更详细进入...
    Different color for tracks simulate hands.

    中文: 对轨道使用不同的颜色模拟左右手。 更详细进入...
    Pluto's orbit around the sun is unusual.

    中文: 冥王星)围绕太阳运转的轨道是非同寻常。 更详细进入...
    This paper discusses the applicable ranges of current welding long rail techniques under various construction circumstances of urban rail transit project, and holds that the engineering scheme of the welded-rail site, the viaduct welded site and the utili

    中文: 针对城市轨道交通工程中不同的施工环境,对比分析了现有的各种长钢轨焊接方法和适用範围,探讨了现场焊轨基地、高架桥上的焊轨基地及利用移动式焊轨车焊接无缝线路长钢轨的施工方案。 更详细进入...
    It is shown that the numbers of both periodic orbits and homoclinc orbits bifurcated from this kind of homoclinic orbits depend heavily on the strength of the inclination flip.

    中文: 主要结论为这类系统在分支出一个同宿轨的同时所能分支出的周期轨的个数也依赖于倾斜翻转的强度。 更详细进入...

    中文: 八种蝗虫酯酶同工酶的研究 更详细进入...
    Along with continuous development of urban rail traffic, lines of one rail traffic network might be operated by different operators, thus, reasonable distribution of income becomes an urgent problem to be solved.

    中文: 摘要随着城市轨道交通的不断发展,同一轨道交通网络中的线路将会由不同的运营商来经营,运营商之间收益的合理分配是城市轨道交通亟待解决的问题。 更详细进入...
    China is the 3rd country capable to launch geosynchronous satellite on its own.

    中文: 中国是第三个独立发射同步轨道卫星的国家。 更详细进入...
    Function: The whole set of track system is made of imported stainless steel, they are lean, durable, easy to assemble; More than that, it can be used as track for simultaneously audio-recording.

    中文: 功能:全套导轨由进口不锈钢工业管精制而成,轻巧、牢固、易拆装,可作同期声移动轨使用。 更详细进入...
    This contract shall have two originals and each party will have one. Both copies shall be equally valid.

    中文: 八、本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等效力。 更详细进入...
    Comparative study of esterase isozymes in eight species of capsid bugs (Hemiptera:Miridae)

    中文: 八种盲蝽酯酶同工酶的比较研究 更详细进入...
    Upon consent by the other party, one party may concurrently assign its rights and delegate its obligations under a contract to a third person.

    中文: 第八十八条当事人一方经对方同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。 更详细进入...
    Conveyor width: For equipment with an adjust conveyor width, the front rail is fixed and the rear rail is adjustable. The range of dajustment will vary with the equipment manufacturer.

    中文: 导轨调整宽度:机器导轨宽度必须可调,前导轨固定后导轨可调,调整范围依制造商而变。 更详细进入...
    Long rails in jointless track are usually made on welded rail site or in railway welded rail factory.

    中文: 摘要无缝线路长钢轨道常由铁路焊轨厂或现场焊轨基地焊接。 更详细进入...
    Iron atoms have 26 electrons in different orbitals around their nuclei.

    中文: 铁原子有26个电子以不同的轨道绕它们的核道运转。 更详细进入...
    The engine was derailed by a tree lying across the line.

    中文: 有一棵树横在铁轨上, 造成机车出轨. 更详细进入...
    Streetcars rumble down Tokyo's Arakawa tramline.

    中文: 有轨电车隆隆通过东京荒川区的轨道。 更详细进入...

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