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Conveyor width: For equipment with an adjust conveyor width, the front rail is fixed and the rear rail is adjustable. The range of dajustment will vary with the equipment manufacturer.

Convey belts of different types, different specifications and different number of layers are mot allowed to be connected with each other. 不同型号、不同规格、不同胶布层数的输送胶带不可以相互串接起来使用。
Convey emotion - people on the Web are often in a great hurry, so you need to appeal to their emotions to stop them clicking away to the next site. 传达出情感——人们在网上经常是很匆忙的,所以你必须要引起他们的兴趣或情感共鸣,使他们不会马上点击到新页面。
Convey my best wishes to him, please. 请向他转达我最美好的祝愿。
Conveying is conducted by step-less speed-regulator. The machine is driven synchronously with trim molding of products. 无级控速放卷,整机同步输送,产品成型平整。
Conveying the romantic though in the tale to the audiences in the easy and witty ways. 》,故事构想改编自格林童话「睡美人」的剧情,将童话故事的浪漫思想,透过轻松、诙谐的方式传达给观众!
Conveyor width: For equipment with an adjust conveyor width, the front rail is fixed and the rear rail is adjustable. The range of dajustment will vary with the equipment manufacturer. 导轨调整宽度:机器导轨宽度必须可调,前导轨固定后导轨可调,调整范围依制造商而变。
Conveyors &Buffering system: Offer every type for all PCB production line. 传送装置及暂存系统:可提供所有PCB生产线所需的机种。
Convicted September 11th conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui has arrived at the Supermax federal prison in southern Colorado. 罪犯卡里亚斯·穆萨维已经抵达位于南科罗拉多州的超高度安全管理联邦监狱。
Convicted criminals are debarred from voting in elections. 已判刑的罪犯均被褫夺选举投票权.
Convicted murderers face the death penalty in the people's republic. 在中国,杀人者一旦被判有罪将被处死刑。
Convince yourself of this and you will be flying in no time. 使你自己确信,你就会马上飞起来。

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