America can help by keeping on the pressure, but it's their revolution.
中文: 美国人只应通过不断施加压力来提供帮助而不应企图越俎代庖,毕竟这是他们自己的革命。 更详细进入...
Although it is a fact that the rise of the White player in blues has created a new worldwide audience for the music, many feel that he has again - as in jazz and rock &roll - garnered far more than his fair share of the profit and the glory in the process
中文: 虽然白人艺术家对蓝调音乐走向世界做出了不可磨灭的贡献,但其仍有越俎代庖、受之有过之嫌--正如他们对本属于黑人文化的摇滚、爵士乐等的发展邀功请赏一样。 更详细进入...
House Speaker Jim Wright yesterday threw down the budget gauntlet before President-elect George Bush, telling him he must decide whether to raise taxes or reduce military spending or Congress will do it for him.
中文: 众院议长赖特向总统当选人布什掷下预算挑战书,要总统当选人布什必须决定增税或削减军费,否则国会就要越俎代疱。 更详细进入...
The average man is either victorious or defeated and, depending on that, he becomes a persecutor or a victim.
中文: 常人抑或战胜,抑或失败,据此,他或是刀俎,或成鱼肉。 更详细进入...
Modern furniture design tends to simplicity.
中文: 现代家具设计越来越简单。 更详细进入...
But within a day he was vomiting.
中文: 脓庖遍布他的皮肤,他说,他再也不能承受这痛苦了。 更详细进入...
The modern army has more and more arms.
中文: 现代陆军包括的兵种越来越多。 更详细进入...
The further the modernization, the less we can underrate population pressures.
中文: 越是现代化,越不能低估人口压力。 更详细进入...
Surpass of the contemporary era Chinese modernization theory
中文: 中国当代现代化理论的超越 更详细进入...
Weeds tend to displace other plants.
中文: 杂草越来越多,有取代其他植物之势。 更详细进入...
They transcend national borders and generations.
中文: 它们超越国界及世代。 更详细进入...
Wine and judgement mature with age.
中文: 酒存放年代越久越香,判断力随年龄而增长。 更详细进入...
Steadily screens have replaced more and more theatre stages.
中文: 越来越多的戏院舞台慢慢地被银幕所取代。 更详细进入...
Through several generation& efforts, we clearly discovered that the culture of Post-modernism should be of a mutual complement of tradition and modernization.
中文: 经过了几代人的努力,我们越来越清晰地发现,后现代文明应该是传统与现代的互补。 更详细进入...
Making use of the unearthed artifacts, integrated with the literature handed down from ancient times and absorbing the latest research results of present day scholars, the author has made a further study an Da Fang recorded on bamboo slip No. 45 of the Ch
中文: 摘要利用出土器物,结合传世文献,并吸收当代学者的最新研究成果,对望山楚简遣册部分45号简所记“大房”进行深入研究,指出以往学者认为立于俎面的“侧立板”实为置于俎面下的“立板足”,纠正了旧有的错误。 更详细进入...
In the 1990s, American country music became more and more popular.
中文: 20世纪90年代,美国的乡村音乐越来越流行了。 更详细进入...
The better we know God the more wonderful becomes our insight into the power of intercession.
中文: 我们越认识神,我们就越看见代祷能力的奇妙。 更详细进入...
Although people become lazier because of the automatization of modern science and technology.
中文: 虽然人们因为现代科技的自动化变得越来越懒。 更详细进入...
More and more new types of energy resources have been exploited to replace coal and oil.
中文: 越来越多的新型能源被开发出来代替煤和石油。 更详细进入...
His ideas were far in advance of his time.
中文: 他的想法远超越他的时代。 更详细进入...