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    If you do not make love with her , does she say whether you are abnormal?

    中文: 如果你不跟她做爱,她说你是不是不正常啊? 更详细进入...
    A clean hand wants no washing.

    中文: 身正不怕影子斜。 更详细进入...
    But that looks set to change.

    中文: 不过这正在改变。 更详细进入...
    His idea is incorrect.

    中文: 他的想法不正确。 更详细进入...
    The door is out of true.

    中文: 这扇门位置不正. 更详细进入...
    These data were not correct.

    中文: 这些数据不正确。 更详细进入...
    They are talking about the film, aren‘t they ? —Yes, they are ./No, they aren't .

    中文: 他们正在谈论那部电影,是不是?—是的。/不,不是。 更详细进入...
    It's not fair Hazel always takes Edward's part whether he's right or wrong.

    中文: 黑兹尔不管爱德华是否正确总是站在他一边,这不公正。 更详细进入...
    Here, a monk abides contemplating the body as body, earnestly, clearly aware, mindful and having put away all hankering and fretting for the world, and likewise with regard to feelings, mind and mind-objects.

    中文: 比丘应当精勤不懈,正念明觉地就身体(的状态)来观察身体(的实相/本质),舍弃世间渴望和失意;当观察受念处、心念处和法念处时也一样的精勤不懈,保持正念明觉。」 更详细进入...
    A proton has a positive charge and an electron a negative charge, but a neutron has neither.

    中文: 质子带正电,电子带负电,而中子既不带正电,也不带负电。 更详细进入...
    Howeer, money should not be wasted. It must be used for (some) proper purposes. We young men should form the good habit of not spending money in the wrong way.

    中文: 然而,钱不应该被浪费掉。它必须用于正当的用途上。我们青年人应该养成不乱花钱的好习惯。 更详细进入...
    However, money should not be wasted. It must be used for (some) proper purposes. We young men should form the good habit of not spending money in the wrong way.

    中文: 然而,钱不应该被浪费掉。它必须用于正当的用途上。我们青年人应该养成不乱花钱的好习惯。 更详细进入...
    On August 15 the verdict was delivered in Qihoo's unfair competition case against Alibaba, with the court seeing Alibaba's Yahoo Assistant as hindering Qihoo 360's regular service and installation, and illegally constituting unfair competition in the forc

    中文: 8月15日,即奇虎网起诉北京阿里巴巴公司不正当竞争案宣判,法院认为,阿里巴巴旗下的雅虎助手干扰奇虎360的正常运行和安装,并且在用户选择“不删除”的情况下,违背用户指令强行删除360软件,构成了不正当竞争,为非法行为。 更详细进入...
    True irreverence is disrespect for another man's god.

    中文: 『真正的大不敬是不尊重别人的神。』 更详细进入...
    A whale is no more a fish than the seal is.

    中文: 正如海豹不是鱼那样,鲸也不是鱼。 更详细进入...
    Any person who is incapable of expressing his will properly shall not give testimony.

    中文: 不能正确表达意志的人,不能作证。 更详细进入...
    Arrogance is wrong and will bring one misfortune.

    中文: 傲慢不是正义,只会使人变得不幸。 更详细进入...
    He can no more sing than I can dance.

    中文: 他不会唱歌正如我不会跳舞一样。 更详细进入...
    Let's not devalue his work unjustly.

    中文: 我们不可不公正地贬低他的作品。 更详细进入...
    No, I don't know any of them.

    中文: 不,他们当中我一个也不认识。 更详细进入...

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