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    The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures.

    中文: 公众对社会名流的私生活具有浓厚的兴趣。 更详细进入...
    The largest US company, Military Profe ional Resources Inc. (MPRI) in Alexandria, Va., made a name for itself by training the Croatian Army near the end of the Yugoslav wars.

    中文: 弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚的军事专业资源股份有限公司(MPRI)是美国最大的私营军事公司,该公司因在南斯拉夫战争即将结束时向克罗地亚军队提供训练而出名。 更详细进入...
    The largest US company, Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI) in Alexandria, Va., made a name for itself by training the Croatian Army near the end of the Yugoslav wars.

    中文: 弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚的军事专业资源股份有限公司(MPRI)是美国最大的私营军事公司,该公司因在南斯拉夫战争即将结束时向克罗地亚军队提供训练而出名。 更详细进入...
    The Effect of Electroacupuncture Stimulation an NeurotrophicSubstance in Cat Spinal Dorsal Horn

    中文: 电针刺激对脊髓背角组织中神经营养活性物质的影响 更详细进入...
    Black: Stand for fair and square; the exhibition is angry, impertinence and honest.

    中文: 黑色:表现公正无私的;表现暴躁、鲁莽、耿直的。 更详细进入...
    His private actions are in direct contradiction to/with (ie directly contradict) his publicly expressed opinions.

    中文: 他私下的行为跟公开的言论完全是两码事. 更详细进入...
    I find no contradiction between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions.

    中文: 我觉得他的公开言论与私下行为并无二致. 更详细进入...
    Megan had attended secondary school at a private girls' school five hundred kilometers from home.

    中文: 梅根在离家500公里的一所私立学校上中学。 更详细进入...
    The company business license shall state the name, domicile, registered capital, actually paid capital, business scope, the name of the legal representative and etc.

    中文: 公司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日期公司营业执照应当载明公司的名称、住所、注册资本、实收资本、经营范围、法定代表人姓名等事项。 更详细进入...
    Commercial banks should be fully open to business within the announced business hours and not to close or shorten the business hours on their own will.

    中文: 商业银行应当在公告的营业时间内营业,不得擅自停止营业或者缩短营业时间。 更详细进入...
    It invests in private companies in the Communications Sector.

    中文: 美国迪德基金投资私有公司,投资通讯部门。 更详细进入...
    We had a private view of the jewels before the public auction.

    中文: 那些珠宝公开拍卖以前我们私下看了预展. 更详细进入...
    Business Households of Self-employed Private Economy Should Have a Correct Understanding and View of the Significance of Establishment of Accounting Books and Taxation on Audit of Accounts.

    中文: 三、个体、私营经济业户要正确理解和认识建帐和查帐征税的意义。 更详细进入...
    Government endorsement of high-speed land vehicles on public highways.

    中文: 政府为在公众高速公路上高速驾驶的交通工具背书。 更详细进入...
    Effect of Environment and Nutrient Factors on the Content of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Two Duckweeds Species: Spirodela polyrrhiza and Lemna aequinoctialis

    中文: 环境及营养条件对稀脉浮萍和紫背浮萍氮磷含量的影响 更详细进入...

    中文: 胶质细胞源性神经营养因子对培养的背根神经节的影响 更详细进入...
    A: More buses and trai mea le cars.

    中文: 更多的公共汽车和火车意味着私家车的减少。 更详细进入...
    I think the government should ban private cars and promote public transport.

    中文: 我认为政府应该禁止私家车并提倡公共交通。 更详细进入...
    I think my educational background and some actual experience in marketing will enable me to offer services for your sales promotion.

    中文: 我认为我的教育背景和在市场营销方面所获得的一些实际经验,将使我能够为贵公司的销售推广做出贡献。 更详细进入...
    My company impost general merchandise.

    中文: 我公司经营杂货进口业务。 更详细进入...

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