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The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures.

The public holiday for New Year lasts 3 days in China , but the festival traditionally lasts till the 15th day of the lunar month and ends with Lantern Festival. 在中国,新年的公共假期有三天,但传统上春节一直要持续到正月十五,即元宵节后结束。
The public holiday for New Year lasts 3 days in China, but the festival traditionally lasts till the 15th day of the lunar month and ends with the Lantern Festival. 中国春节的公众假期是3天,但是这个节日传统上会持续到正月十五,以“灯节”作为结束。
The public host will then send an RST packet to the target and increment the IPID. 公共主机接着将发送一个RST包到目标并增加IPID.
The public interest litigious right itself is a kind of right of democratic management, a right through which the subjects of the right of social public interest participate in the social economy management of the whole country directly and it is a substa 公益诉权本身是一种民主管理的权利,是一种社会公益权利主体以诉讼方式直接参与国家社会经济事务管理的权利,是一种实实在在的宪政权利。
The public is best served by a reasoned scientific approach, not by disinformation that stirs up emotions and false fears. 我们需要通过运用充分证明科学方法来服务于公众,而不是通过虚假事件及中伤来造谣。”
The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures. 公众对社会名流的私生活具有浓厚的兴趣。
The public is welcome to receive auspicious blessings from Venerables from the three traditions – Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, dedicating peace and harmony to humanity. 在参与浴佛供花等传统卫塞活动的同时,佛教南传、汉传和藏传三乘法师的代表共同为您带来和谐幸福、富足如意的祝福。
The public is wonderfully tolerant --it forgives everything except genius. 世人宽大为怀——除了天才之外,他们什么都宽恕。
The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. 舆论是非常宽容的。他们可以容忍除了天才以外的任何事。
The public knew they could bank on the mayor to do what he promised. 群众知道他们能信任市长会实现承诺。
The public manner and rhetoric of de Gaulle, often, are pure Camp.\Few readers can judge her rampage through history and art to define what is or is not Camp. 桑塔格在历史和艺术中天马行空般地定义什么是造作,什么不是,没有几个读者能够对她的论述作出判断,但这无关紧要,这篇文章带着读者乘着气球做了一次阳光之旅。

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