Designating color perceived to have zero saturation and therefore no hue, such as neutral grays, white, or black.
中文: 无色的无色的,因零饱和度而没有颜色,如中性灰色,白色,或黑色 更详细进入...
Since 1992 more and more research has shown that the USDA pyramid is grossly flawed.
中文: 自1992年以来,越来越多的研究显示美国农业部的金字塔有严重的瑕疵。 更详细进入...
Her voice, her bright body. Her infinite eyes.
中文: 她的声音,她洁白的身体,她无尽的双眼。 更详细进入...
It can also help make sense of things.
中文: 另外,杂乱无序还能令事物更清楚明白。 更详细进入...
Isolation and identification of a thermophilic bacterium from hot springs in Changbai Mountains
中文: 长白山温泉无氧芽孢杆菌的分离鉴定 更详细进入...
Description: White to whitish needle crystalls or crystal powder, oderless and tasteless.
中文: 性状:本品为白色或类白色的针状结晶或结晶性粉末,无臭、味苦。 更详细进入...
The Great White Brotherhood has nothing to do with race or color.
中文: 伟大的白衣团体与种族或者肤色无关。 更详细进入...
Research Advances on Aquatic Invertebrate Metallothionein
中文: 水生无脊椎动物金属硫蛋白研究进展 更详细进入...
中文: 低酶水解法提取无苦味鳀鱼水解蛋白 更详细进入...
Label-free Protein Quantification Methods in Proteomics Research
中文: 蛋白质组学研究中的无标记定量方法 更详细进入...
Dr Ian Smythe, an international dyslexia consultant, agreed that the condition was linked to different deficits in different languages.
中文: 国际识字障碍顾问伊安.新兹博士也同意,不同的语言有其独有的瑕疵条件。 更详细进入...
The more seamless this relationship, the cleaner and more professional the final result.
中文: 与翻译公司愈是亲密无间,最后定稿就愈明白无误,更具专业水平。 更详细进入...
It also means the consumer is consistently delivered the most effective solution to overcome their ailment or beauty concern.
中文: 这还意味着,顾客就始终能得到清除瑕疵、解除美容忧虑的、最有效的产品。 更详细进入...
White Roses: White roses signify innocence and secrecy. Imagine a light breeze from the ocean, delightfully irresistible and unpredictable.
中文: 白玫瑰:白色玫瑰代表纯洁、秘密。就像一阵吹自海洋的微风,让人觉得愉快的无法抵挡、无可预知的感觉。 更详细进入...
The typical features of Termites are grayish white, no wings, soft body with mouth and short feeler.
中文: 典型的白蚁特徵是灰白色、无翅、体柔软,有咀嚼式口器以及短触角。 更详细进入...
Nobody understands why I quit out of the blue one day.
中文: 无人明白为什么有一天,我突然不再来了。 更详细进入...
Why do proteins fold into unique structures?
中文: 为什么蛋白质会折叠成独一无二的结构? 更详细进入...
Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: the New Sequence-Structure-Function Relations
中文: 天然无序蛋白质:序列-结构-功能的新关系 更详细进入...
Advances on the Ig-superfamily of Aquatic Invertebrates
中文: 水生无脊椎动物中的免疫球蛋白超家族 更详细进入...
The match was scarred by racism in the stands and threatened to boil over into a brawl after Matt Derbyshire scored England's second in the 77th minute.
中文: 但这场比赛留下瑕疵,在英格兰77分钟时攻入第二球后发生了种族歧视事件。 更详细进入...