Review of the studies on the prediction of natural vegetation distribution
中文: 自然植被分布预测研究进展 更详细进入...
This paper presents the current status of Al free lasers,broad waveguide lasers and lasers with flared stripe as well as other lasers such as low confinement laser,GaN based laser and DFB laser.
中文: 介绍了无铝激光器、宽波导激光器、展宽条形激光器及其它类型激光器(如低限制激光器)、GaN基激光器和分布反馈激光器的发展现状 更详细进入...
Regionalization and distribution pattern of vegetation of Northeast China
中文: 东北植被区划及其分布格局 更详细进入...
New Distribution Record of Angiosperm in Fujian
中文: 福建被子植物分布新记录Ⅰ 更详细进入...
Taishan wind instruments are popular in all large and medium sized cities around China.
中文: 泰山管乐器遍布中国的所有大、中城市。 更详细进入...
The potential vegetation spatial distributions and patterns in China
中文: 中国潜在植被空间分布格局 更详细进入...
Read-Only Memory. A broad classification of memory devices that includes all devices in which the individual memory locations may be read, but not written.
中文: 只读存储器。一个包括所的的每个地址只能被读,不能被写的存储器的大概分类。 更详细进入...
Our ruined bulletin has been condemned for its boo solemn column.
中文: 我们被毁坏的布告栏被指责有过于严肃的专栏。 更详细进入...
Nearly 3000 people across Taiwan were still trapped under rubble last night after yesterday's earthquake that claimed more than 1712 lives.
中文: 台湾昨日发生地震,死亡人数逾1712人,近三千人昨夜仍被埋在瓦砾下。 更详细进入...
An apparatus is designed and evaluated for the determination of the Ostwald coefficient of gases dissolved in transformer oil.
中文: 设计了一套以气相色谱测定变压器油中溶解气体奥斯特瓦尔德系数的装置。 更详细进入...
Pavarotti had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year and underwent further treatment in August.
中文: 去年,帕瓦罗蒂被诊断出患有胰腺癌,并于上个月接受了进一步治疗。 更详细进入...
During the running of the machine,the “AUTO/HAND”-switch has been turned over.The machine immediately stops.
中文: 在机器运行期间,“自动/手动”开关被转动.机器立即停车. 更详细进入...
When ts are placed up against thesensor, therobot fires off(9) a beam of infrared light.
中文: 当物品被放在传感器前面,机器人就放射一缕红外线。 更详细进入...
The file type is supported by the Player, but the file was compressed by using a codec that is not supported by the Player.
中文: 播放器支持文件类型,但是那个文件被播放器不支持的解码器压缩过. 更详细进入...
Ewald Walgenbach (CEO of Direct Group Bertelsmann and a member of the Bertelsmann AG Executive Board), “Media provides people with inspiration.
中文: 埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫,贝塔斯曼直接集团首席执行官兼董事会成员埃瓦尔德·瓦尔根巴赫说:“媒体给人们带来灵感。 更详细进入...
This is where Master and Slave servers are definied. Stealth servers are intentionally omitted.
中文: 这是定义主、从服务器的地方。私密服务器被有意省略。 更详细进入...
When objects are placed up against the sensor, the robot fires off(9) a beam of infrared light.
中文: 当物品被放在传感器前面,机器人就放射一缕红外线。 更详细进入...
Juventus director general Jean-Claude Blanc has hit back at fresh reports the Bianconeri are planning to bring Fabio Cannavaro back to Turin.
中文: 尤文经理布兰科对最近有关斑马军团可能购回卡纳瓦罗的新闻做出了回击。 更详细进入...
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is a breathtaking cultural landscape of great spiritual significance.
中文: 卡瓦利泽布日多夫斯津是一处将美丽风景和宗教内涵融于一身的文化景观。 更详细进入...
A Broad Spcetrum Decoloration Shewanella New Species——Shewanella cinica
中文: 一个降解染料的希瓦氏菌新种——中国希瓦氏菌 更详细进入...