Taipei's coolest band play some of the hottest jazz. Featuring Phil (guitar), John (bass), and Leo (piano), and Barrie (drums).
台北最酷的男子三人爵士乐团,带给你新的爵士感觉. |
Taipei's coolest new band play some of the hottest jazz. Featuring Rin (sax), Phil (guitar), John (bass), and Barrie (drums).
台北最酷的男子三人爵士乐团,带给你新的爵士感觉. |
Taipei's coolest new band, 2 Ring Circus, play some interesting new stuff. Featuring Rin (sax), Phil (guitar), and Barrie (drums).
台北最酷的男子三人爵士乐团,带给你新的爵士感觉. |
Taipei's prosecutor charged Ma with embezzling 333-thousand dollars while he was mayor of Taipei. Prosecutors say they will ask the court for leniency if Ma is convicted.
台北地方检察官指控马英九任台北市长期间诈领了33万3千美元。检察官说,如果马英九被认定有罪,他们将请求法庭宽大处理。 |
Taiping's sense of talent trudged along the Confucian political orbit, which originated in Yang Xiu-qing's thought about standard of Hero and became mature in Li Xiu-cheng's concept of Ze-cai-er-yong and carried out on the Zhao-xian-shi-tiao promulgated b
从杨秀清关于“英雄”标准的思考,到李秀成“择才而用”的人才观,最后落实到锺良相的“招贤十条”,太平天国的“人才观”在儒家化的轨道上艰难摸索。 |
Taishan wind instruments are popular in all large and medium sized cities around China.
泰山管乐器遍布中国的所有大、中城市。 |
Taiwan Aborigines' names are registered by a Chinese name or a traditional name, and may be registered alongside a Romanized traditional name.
台湾原住民之姓名,以汉人姓名或传统姓名登记,并均得以传统姓名之罗马拼音并列登记。 |
Taiwan Company is notarized by Taiwan Court and then certificated by the Straits Exchange Foundation.
台湾公司由台湾法院公证处公证,再由海基会证明。 |
Taiwan Fund for Children and Families inquire into the children who receive assistance about their willing to attending colleges and find that it's more comparing with other children.
家扶基金会调查接受扶助的孩子,受到经济和生活弱势影响,希望就读大学的意愿相对比较高。 |
Taiwan Hosiery Manufacturers' Association (THMA) was established on March 9, 1957 under the name of Taiwan Socks knitting Association.
本会成立于民国46年3月9日,当时为台湾省织袜工业同业公会,后于民国56年12月奉内政部令改为区级公会。 |
Taiwan Is a Part Of China!
台湾是中国的一部分! |