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    Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.

    中文: 绝不和比自己勇敢的人﹐共用一个散兵坑(掩蔽所的代名词)。 更详细进入...
    A veil has lifted my eyes The fold that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your smile It wsa like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside,an invisible guide H

    中文: 无以名状的夜遮蔽双眼的面纱已然揭起覆盖在身上的层层布幔也已不在我看到了你的无限在你无垠的笑容里熠熠发光像一份礼物自黑暗中乍现像一双白鸟在我心叶上找到栖所一种感觉一种无形的指引明示我一条出路无以名状的夜无以名状的夜无以名状的夜是你吗? 更详细进入...
    And last September government unveiled a high-tech, gun-toting sentry robot that could support troops along the heavily fortified border with North Korea.

    中文: 去年九月,韩国政府推出了一款持枪的高科技哨兵机器人,这种机器人可为重兵设防的韩朝边界提供兵力支持。 更详细进入...
    The major impregnated the soldiers with his own fearless courage.

    中文: 少校把他自己那份无所畏惧的勇气灌输给了士兵们。 更详细进入...
    Unlike a conventional editor-in-chief, Mr Wales has no staff.

    中文: 和传统的总编辑不同,威尔士先生手下并无一兵一卒。 更详细进入...
    Please take note of our signature, and regard no others as genuine.

    中文: 请记下我们的签名,其它签名均属无效。 更详细进入...
    Please take note of our signatures, and regard no others as genuine.

    中文: 请记下我们的签名,其它签名均属无效。 更详细进入...
    Nearby is a statue of three soldiers. They are looking in the direction of the names. Another statue honors the service of women in the war.

    中文: 附近有一座由三名士兵组成的雕像群.他们仿佛正朝刻有名字的石碑方向凝望着.另一座雕像是用于纪念在战争中做出贡献的女性. 更详细进入...
    A:By the little boy's father, appearing right behind the Jap!

    中文: 小男孩的父亲。他正好出现在日本兵背后。 更详细进入...
    The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.

    中文: 炮兵的火力较步兵大。 更详细进入...
    A member of the paratroops.

    中文: 伞兵伞兵部队的成员 更详细进入...
    Instead, each morning, a giant warrior would march from the Philistine camp and cry out to the soldiers of Israel, Who dares challenge Goliath?

    中文: 每天早上反而会有一名魁梧的战士从腓力斯营区中走出,大声地向以色列士兵叫阵:『有谁敢挑战歌利亚?』 更详细进入...
    A man who is a member of a militia.

    中文: 民兵民兵织中的一员 更详细进入...
    US military also reports six soldiers were killed in roadside bombings over the weekend.

    中文: 美军同时报道本周的路边炸弹袭击事件造成6名士兵死亡。 更详细进入...
    He is famous not only for his talent but (also) for his kindness.

    中文: 他不仅以才能出名,而且是出名的好心。 更详细进入...
    As a squadron leader you were sent in countless wars to leave a desolated battlefield for the following infantry.

    中文: 如一位你被送出数不尽的战争为下列的步兵离开一个被荒凉的战场骑兵营领袖。 更详细进入...
    Format: Name of film. Director's last name, given name. Place of production, year (or date of showing).

    中文: 格式:片名(或节目名),导演(或制作者)姓名,出品地(或播出台和播出地),年份(或播出日期)。 更详细进入...
    From a worn letter located in his pocket, an emergency-room nurse learned that his son was a Marine stationed in North Carolina. Apparently there were no other relatives.

    中文: 从他口袋一张破皱的信中,急救室护士了解到,他的儿子是驻扎在北卡罗莱纳的一名水兵,显然此外他再无其他亲戚了。 更详细进入...
    The length of a girl's ring finger could be an indicator of her future sporting potential, researchers at King's College London said on Thursday.

    中文: 伦敦国王学院的研究人员周四提出,从女性无名指的长度可以看出她的竞技潜力。 更详细进入...
    You're the bee's knees.= You're famous.

    中文: 你出名了! 更详细进入...

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