The web-based materials for each lab will be posted just-in-time for the corresponding lab, but will remain available through the course website for the remainder of the course.
中文: 每次实验的讲义在对应的实验上课之前才会放在网络上,不过在之后的学期时间依然可以使用。 更详细进入...
Warning: Give out the handout when you start to use it never before you begin.
中文: 但要注意,你得在开始使用讲义时才派发它,千万不能在你演讲之前派发。 更详细进入...
A: I strongly doubt he was sober.
中文: (我才不信他没醉呢!) 更详细进入...
No, I'm smart and poor.
中文: 不,我才又聪明又穷。 更详细进入...
still better to practice it. Practice is the final stage of learning.
中文: 不闻不若闻之,闻之不若见之,见之不若知之,知之不若行之。学至于行之而至矣。 更详细进入...
B: Sorry, I wasn't listening.
中文: (对不起,我刚才没听。) 更详细进入...
Don't squander your talent.
中文: 不要浪费你的才华. 更详细进入...
I shouldn't have stayed up late.
中文: 我不该那么晚才睡。 更详细进入...
Yet he failed somehow, in spite of a mediocrity which ought to have insured any man a success.
中文: 按理说,他这样的庸才正该发迹才是,可不知怎么就是不得志。 更详细进入...
He is mistrustful of my ability.
中文: 他不信任我的才干。 更详细进入...
I fed her not too long ago.
中文: 我不久前才喂了她。 更详细进入...
I have just moved into this area.
中文: 我刚刚才搬来不久。 更详细进入...
I'm sorry = You'll be sorry.
中文: 对不起=你才该道歉。 更详细进入...
The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them on Monday morning.
中文: 三人于周日跌落悬崖,直到周一早晨才被营救队员发现,在此之前他们不得不躲藏起来。 更详细进入...
Loss and bereavement can remind you sharply of what can happen when in life you do not show your love and appreciation,or ask for forgiveness,and so make your loved ones.
中文: 当你失去最爱的亲人时,才深刻体会到自己从不曾好好爱他,从未对他怀着感恩和宽恕之心,你才会对他如此冷漠。 更详细进入...
There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man, True nobility is being superior to your former self.
中文: 优于别人并非高尚;今日之你优于昨日之你,才是真正的高尚. 更详细进入...
Driver is one of the most versatile actresses around.
中文: 德瑞弗是现在最多才多艺的女演员之一。 更详细进入...
He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.
中文: 他一直欺骗税务局,但多年之后才被查出。 更详细进入...
The old man lingered several months after the heart attack.
中文: 老人心脏病发作之后拖了几个月才去世。 更详细进入...
How can I cast away all my cares and worries?
中文: 如何才能将所有的担心忧虑置之脑后呢? 更详细进入...