Regard the sorrows and sufferings of others as yours and hasten to assuage them.
中文: 关注他人的悲痛与苦难并尽快安抚他们。 更详细进入...
Kalso E, Tramer M, Carroll D, et al.Pain relief from intra-articular morphine after knee surgery: a quatitative systematic review.Pain 1997,71:127~134.
中文: 袁红斌,叶军青,王新华,等.小剂量吗啡关节内注射用于膝关节镜术后镇痛的临床观察.中国疼痛医学杂志2000,4:203. 更详细进入...
For all kinds of pain in waist, shoulder, back induced by cold and dampness, numbness of limbs, stiff extend and band.
中文: 用于各种风寒湿热引起的腰、肩、背疼痛,四肢麻木,关节伸曲不利症的康复。 更详细进入...
He's always out of sorts early in the morning.
中文: 他大清早总是不痛快. 更详细进入...
She was prostrate with grief.
中文: 她因悲痛而一蹶不振。 更详细进入...
Recent inestigation into opioid analgesic mechanisms in the fetus and neonate suggest that there are differences before and after birth (1).
中文: 最近关于胎儿和新生儿阿片镇痛机制的研究表明:出生前后有所不同[1]。 更详细进入...
It was painful for him to renounce his son.
中文: 宣布与儿子脱离关系对他来说是很痛苦的。 更详细进入...
It's a mild but constant pain.
中文: 我们常说肚子隐隐作痛.即:不太疼但是持续地疼痛. 更详细进入...
Studies on Correlation between Inflammatory Cytokines (Interleukin-6,Tumor Necrosis Factor) and Migraine
中文: 炎性细胞因子IL-6、TNF与偏头痛关系的研究 更详细进入...
More interesting, when these ticklish rats were interbred for four generations, the offspring chirped twice as often as their great-grandparents.
中文: 更有意思的是,这些喜欢痒痒的老鼠,经过4代之后,发出吱吱声的比率竟可达到它们的曾祖父母的2倍。 更详细进入...
Spider-Man about his costume: “It gets kind of itchy.
中文: 蜘蛛侠这样评价他的戏服:“它穿起来有点痒。” 更详细进入...
B:I feel sick. My stomach hurts.
中文: 我不舒服,我的胃子很痛。 更详细进入...
Poverty is a pain, but no disgrace.
中文: 贫困是痛苦,但不是耻辱。 更详细进入...
Recent investigation into opioid analgesic mechanisms in the fetus and neonate suggest that there are differences before and after birth (1).
中文: 最近关于胎儿和新生儿阿片镇痛机制的研究表明:出生前后有所不同[1]。 更详细进入...
Or, simply sign in to Tickle any time within the next month.
中文: 或,简单地签到任何时侯发痒在下月之内。 更详细进入...
The little girl laughed when her uncle gave her a tickle .
中文: 叔叔呵那个小姑娘的痒时,小姑娘笑起来。 更详细进入...
The little girl laughed when her uncle gave her a tickle.
中文: 叔叔呵那个小姑娘的痒时,小姑娘笑起来。 更详细进入...
Determination of Emodin contents in Qushizhiyang Solution by HPLC;
中文: HPLC法测定祛湿止痒搽剂中大黄素的含量 更详细进入...
All patients in need of pain relief could be helped if current knowledge about pain control and palliative care were applied.
中文: 如果应用目前关于疼痛控制和姑息治疗的知识,可帮助需要缓解疼痛的所有患者。 更详细进入...
With sorting the theory of heart obstruction and precordial pain in Yellow Empero s Canon Internal Medicine.
中文: 本文通过对《黄帝内经》心痹心痛理论的挖掘整理,发现心痹心痛在发病病因、发病机理、临床表现、疼痛的特点等方面与冠心病心绞痛具有相关性。 更详细进入...