中文: 伊朗卡尚地区始新世沟鞭藻类 更详细进入...
Comparative study on methods for staining the flagella of bacterium
中文: 4种细菌鞭毛染色方法的比较 更详细进入...
He raises his eyebrows and gives her his cockiest look. Doctor?
中文: 他扬扬眉毛骄傲的打量了一下她,“博士?” 更详细进入...
Proclaim your friends' successes but not yours.
中文: 自己有成,不当扬;朋友有成,决当为之扬。 更详细进入...
The whole conversation ran on the breakfast, which one and all abused roundly.
中文: 这一刻钟,教室里沸沸扬扬,乱成了一团。 更详细进入...
He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
中文: 6他也使之跳跃如牛犊,使利巴嫩和西连跳跃如野牛犊。 更详细进入...
So what has caused this burst of volatility?
中文: 那么,是什么引发了这沸沸扬扬的一切? 更详细进入...
The house-Tethering Stake,over twenty metres high,stands on the western bank of the Hulun Lake.According to apopula legend,Genghis Khan once tied his horse to this stake.
中文: 高20余米,立于呼伦湖西岸。传说成吉思汗曾在此石上拴马。这大概是后人对这位跃马挥刀、风云一世的英雄的仰慕和追思吧。 更详细进入...
EXT SP Connector. When the external speaker may be connected to this connector, the built in speaker will be disabled.
中文: 外接扬声器接口,当外接扬声器插头插入此接口时,内置扬声器将被禁用。 更详细进入...
Studies on Heterotrophic Nanoflagellates in Taiwan Strait I: Distribution of Abundance and Biomass of HNF in Southern Waters, Summer of 1997
中文: 台湾海峡异养性鞭毛虫生态研究I:1997年夏季南部海域鞭毛虫丰度及生物量分布 更详细进入...
A ridge on the flesh raised by a blow; a welt.
中文: 抽打后皮肉上隆起的痕;鞭痕 更详细进入...
A walking stick or switch made from such wood.
中文: 山核桃木制成的手杖或鞭子 更详细进入...
Many boys explode firecrackers on the Lantern Festival.
中文: 许多男孩在元宵节引燃鞭炮。 更详细进入...
The loyal slave learns to love the lash.
中文: 忠贞的奴仆会学习爱上鞭笞。 更详细进入...
if the setting off of firecrackers is banned in the cities.
中文: 在城市里禁放鞭炮是值 得的. 更详细进入...
Mechanism of low temperature tolerance of Isochrysis galbana Parke 8701
中文: 球等鞭金藻8701的耐低温机理 更详细进入...
A new silver-plating method for staining flagella
中文: 细菌鞭毛镀银染色法的创新 更详细进入...
He's very healthy and active.
中文: 他非常健康、活跃。 更详细进入...
The act of jumping; a leap.
中文: 跳跃的行为,跳起 更详细进入...
The volcano is in activity.
中文: 这火山正活跃著。 更详细进入...