The animation movies produced by Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese director and animator, are a major Oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of Walt Disney Television Animation or DreamWorks Animation.
中文: 日本导演宫崎骏的动画片是能够和迪斯尼,梦工厂共分天下的一支重要东方力量。 更详细进入...
Suppose you want to let a friend thousands of miles away listen to a song from your computer.
中文: 如果你想要让住在离你家千里远的朋友能够从你的电脑里头听到一首歌曲. 更详细进入...
He has been the subject of £17million and £18million bids from Chelsea already this summer, but Lyon are holding out for £30million, and the stalemate has left Essien frustrated.
中文: 这个夏天切尔西已经对他发出过1千7百万和1千8百万英镑的出价,但里昂一直坚持要价3千万英镑。持续的僵局已经让埃辛感到苦恼。 更详细进入...
There is a uniformity of life in Utopia - uniformity of thinking, of ambition, of manners, of dress.
中文: 乌托邦里的生活千篇一律:想法、抱负、礼节及穿著都一样。 更详细进入...
Karyomorphology of Farfugium japonicum (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) and its systematic implication
中文: 大吴风草(菊科:千里光族)的核形态及其系统学意义(英文) 更详细进入...
Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.
中文: 17夜间,我里面的骨头刺我,疼痛不止,好像龈我。 更详细进入...
The girl has been shut in for two weeks now because of her broken leg.
中文: 这女孩由于腿骨折断而被迫呆在屋里两周了。 更详细进入...
Radius and ulna. Bones of the forearm. The radius is the shorter of the two bones and revolves partially around the ulna.
中文: 桡骨和尺骨,即前臂骨。桡骨较尺骨短并能部分地绕尺骨转动。 更详细进入...
Early this year, a funerary urn that contained human ashes, as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep, were found in one of the necropolis' tombs.
中文: 在今年早些时候,在该墓地的其中一个墓穴里还发现了一个装有人类骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。 更详细进入...
The terrain was far different from the flat lands of the North China Plain.
中文: 这里有江西的丘陵,十五年前共军就是从此地开始著名的二万五千里长征的。 更详细进入...
The race started in Philadelphia and will end 4200 miles later in California.
中文: 比赛从费城出发,终点在四千两百英里远的加利福尼亚。 更详细进入...
Ecological significance of fruit heteromorphism in the annual ephemeral Senecio subdentatus
中文: 一年生短命植物疏齿千里光果实异形性的生态学意义 更详细进入...
The National Marrow Donor Program, the largest registry in the country, has approximately 4.8 million adult volunteer donors, but that isn't nearly enough for the thousands who need transplants.
中文: 美国最大的骨髓捐赠组织---全美骨髓捐赠者计划---已登记在册了近480万名成人志愿捐髓者,但这仍不能满足数千名需要移植的病人。 更详细进入...
For more than 1,000 years, the palace had housed the remains of the finger bones of Sakyamuni and other valuable relics that enshrined these precious bones.
中文: 同时在地宫中发现了深藏千年之久的释迦牟尼指骨舍利和供养舍利的大批珍贵文物。 更详细进入...
Japan sent hundreds of thousands of its citizens to what was then called Manchuria after its troops occupied the area in 1931.
中文: 日本军队1931年占领了当时的满洲里之后,日本向那里移居了成千上万的日本人。 更详细进入...
In one year, an acre (43560 square feet) of trees can absorb the same amount of carbon that a car produces traveling 26000 miles.
中文: 一英亩(四万三千五百六十平方英尺)的树一年内可以吸收一部汽车行驶两万六千英里路产生的碳量。 更详细进入...
By all ancient accounts, the tomb of Jesus was empty, making it highly unlikely that it was moved to another tomb, decayed for one year's time, and then the bones put in an ossuary.
中文: 据历史记载,耶稣的坟墓是空的,不可能一个空坟墓被迁到另一个坟墓里,腐朽一年时间后,再把骨头放在一个骨灰盒里。 更详细进入...
I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service.
中文: 我看到自上次大修以来,你的这辆卡车已行驶一千英里了。 更详细进入...
中文: 菊科千里光族款冬亚族的花粉超薄结构及其系统学意义 更详细进入...
Steaming Bone Disorder: TCM term describing a condition of deep internal heat arising from severe yin deficiency. The patient will describe a heat that seems to come from the bones.
中文: 骨蒸:描述因严重阴虚所致内热的中医名词.病人自诉热的感觉似乎是从骨头里出来. 更详细进入...