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I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service.

I see you're in a good mood. 我看你心情很好。
I see you're landscaping your yard. 我看见你正在规划你的院子。
I see you're wearing a team jacket. What sport do you play? 我看你穿着校球队的衣服。你是参加什么运动的?
I see you've been in the sun, Hans! 我看你醉了,汉斯!
I see you've got another car. At least you didn't have to pay much for that old crock! 我知道你又买了一辆汽车,至少你不必花很多钱在那辆破旧得不能再用的车上了!
I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service. 我看到自上次大修以来,你的这辆卡车已行驶一千英里了。
I see your IQ [intelligence quotation] test results were negative. 我看见你的IQ测试结果是负数。
I see your computer is fully IBM compatible. 我发现你们的电脑可以和IBM完全相容。
I see, I will transfer your phone to customer service. 知道了,我替你转接客户服务部。
I see, hear, or speak no evil. 我可没看见,听到,或说什么邪恶的东西。
I see, so this is the best way. 我了解了,所以这是最好的办法。

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