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    If you Don't , he says you are PROUD .

    中文: 对他不好,他说妳骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Not because I'm proud, in fact, in front of you, I cede all my pride.

    中文: 这不是因为我的骄傲,事实上,在你面前,我毫无骄傲可言。 更详细进入...
    Arrogant or defensive people are also usually insecure; in an attempt to hide their insecurities, they belittle or blame others.

    中文: 傲慢或防御心强的人通常也是很没有安全感的;他们会借着贬低或指责别人,来掩饰他们的不安。 更详细进入...
    In describing their worst experiences with a doctor, patients often cited providers' arrogance, dismissive attitude and callousnessin discussing their condition.

    中文: 病患时常引述医师在讨论病情时傲慢、轻视的态度以及「麻木不仁」来描述他们最糟糕的看病经验。 更详细进入...
    KATHLEEN: The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennet and she's one of the greatest, and most complex characters ever written, not that you would know.

    中文: 《傲慢与偏见》的女主角是伊丽莎白·班纳,她是一个非常出色又非常复杂的人物,并不是你所能知道的。 更详细进入...
    We have heard of the pride of Moab-He is extremely proud-Of his loftiness and his pride and his arrogance And of the haughtiness of his heart.

    中文: 29我们听说摩押的骄傲,是极其骄傲;听说过他的狂傲、骄傲、狂妄、并心中的高傲。 更详细进入...
    Let the lying lips be mute, Which speak arrogantly against the righteous With pride and contempt.

    中文: 诗31:18那撒谎的人、逞骄傲轻慢、出狂妄的话攻击义人.愿他的嘴哑而无言。 更详细进入...
    Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.

    中文: 诗31:18那撒谎的人、逞骄傲轻慢、出狂妄的话攻击义人.愿他的嘴哑而无言。 更详细进入...
    He's rather pompous.' Isn't he just?(ie He certainly is!)'

    中文: `他有点儿傲气.'`可不是吗!' 更详细进入...
    She is too proud to accept charity.

    中文: 她太骄傲,不肯接受救济。 更详细进入...
    When you proffer, you must also feel grateful at the same time; otherwise, arrogance will rise, and this is the ugliest side of human nature.

    中文: 付出的同时一定要生起感恩心,否则傲慢随之产生,这是人性最丑陋的一面。 更详细进入...
    Even though this was quite an insult to Shaw, he showed not the slightest trace of anger.

    中文: 听了这番蓄意侮辱的话,萧伯纳非但毫不生气,反而对那傲慢的年轻人说﹕「听说你父亲是位很有礼貌的绅士,是不是?」 更详细进入...
    To be proud of knowledge is to be blind with light; to be proud of virtue is to poison yourself with the antidote.

    中文: 以有知识而自傲是不懂知识;以有美德而自傲是败坏美德。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.

    中文: 18[和合]那撒谎的人,逞29骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话攻击义人;愿他的嘴哑而无言。 更详细进入...
    Yet it is mistaken, and condescending, to assume that whole cultures and great religions are incompatible with liberty and self-government.

    中文: 认为某些地区的整体文化和某些伟大的宗教与自由和自治格格不入,这是错误的观点,也是傲慢的偏见。 更详细进入...
    She did as well as anybody else.

    中文: 她做得比别人毫不逊色。 更详细进入...
    Not a boast, sir, but a course.

    中文: (不是骄傲,先生,是一个课程。) 更详细进入...
    Too humble is half proud.

    中文: 过分谦虚差不多就是骄傲。 更详细进入...
    Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is not loyalty.

    中文: 寡言者未必是愚痴;利口者未必是聪明;自尊者未必是傲慢;承顺者未必是忠诚。 更详细进入...
    One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.

    中文: 一个人应该舍弃愤怒,拔除傲慢,超越所有的束缚。不执著心灵和物质的人,内心可以得到真正的安宁,而不受外在的影响。 更详细进入...

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