The whisper of a beautiful woman can be heard farther than the loudest call of duty.
中文: 44美女的窃窃耳语比责任的大声疾呼传得还要远。 更详细进入...
It forces him to steal.
中文: 迫使他去偷窃。 更详细进入...
A member of a robber gang in modern India and Burma.
中文: 印度强盗帮,缅甸强盗帮在现在的印度或缅甸的强盗帮成员 更详细进入...
Save a thief from gallows and he will help hang you.
中文: 你救盗匪下绞架,盗匪送你上绞架。 更详细进入...
中文: 钩藤的三萜成分 更详细进入...
Our company has provided the security for this project for 2 years, At present Park area have four neighborhoods centers (expensive all, east Shi Dou, new city, lake and so on neighborhood centers), our company takes charge of after to take over control t
中文: 本公司已为该项目提供保安服务2年,目前园区四个邻里中心(贵都、师惠、新城、湖东等邻里中心),我司在接管该项目后,以前存在的车辆盗窃现象明显下降,并多次抓获盗窃分子,为广大顾客挽回损失,并得到业主和顾客的高度表扬;该项目共配备保安40名。 更详细进入...
We ran after the thief.
中文: 我们追赶窃贼. 更详细进入...
You are abetting theft.
中文: 你在教唆偷窃. 更详细进入...
A bent or hooked piece of iron for hanging a pot or kettle over a fire.
中文: S形锅钩用以悬吊罐、壶、锅等在炉火上煮的弯曲的铁钩 更详细进入...
dentition glue hamulus attachment hamulus archwire-composite resin inter-arch elastic.
中文: 例实施牙列贴钩 带钩丝弓-复合树脂颌间弹性牵引。 更详细进入...
The happiest man is a man for whom sometimes the fish were biting and sometimes not.
中文: 世上最快乐的人,有时是鱼儿上钩,有时是鱼儿不上钩。 更详细进入...
Usually the distance from needlepoint to the first barb is in counterpart with the distance between barbs. The beyond of different distance between barbs is indicated by each letter.
中文: 通常针尖至第一钩刺的距离是与钩刺间距相对应,每个字母表示以上不同的钩刺间距。 更详细进入...
The earliest Dao is called Wugou,invented and used earliest in Wu country in late Chunqiu dynasty.It was forged to thick with tip leaned to a side which liked hook,so it got its name Wugou!!!
中文: 最早的刀叫吴钩,是春秋末期吴国最先发明和使用的,将剑铸厚,尖偏向一边,以至于像钩,故名吴钩!!! 更详细进入...
He was nicked for stealing.
中文: 他因偷窃而被捕. 更详细进入...
Hunger drove her to steal.
中文: 饥饿逼得她行窃。 更详细进入...
Shoplifting is a minor crime.
中文: 商店行窃是小罪。 更详细进入...
This defendant is accused of theft.
中文: 这被告被控偷窃。 更详细进入...
The hungry belly has no ears.
中文: 饥寒起盗心。 更详细进入...
中文: 中国上白垩统窃蛋龙科一新属种(兽脚类:窃蛋龙类)(英文) 更详细进入...
The policeman made after the burglar.
中文: 警察追捕那窃贼. 更详细进入...