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He was nicked for stealing.

He was never a table-thumping hardliner like his colleague Antonin Scalia, preferring broad compromise if he could get it. 他从来不象他的同事安东尼·斯卡利一样是个只会敲桌子的强硬路线者,更喜欢在他能做到的时候却明显的妥协。
He was never interested in cooking before, but now he's been bitten by/he's got the bug. 他以前对烹饪从不感兴趣, 但是现在可著迷了.
He was never really in trouble. 他说实在的没遇上多少麻烦。
He was never weary of experimenting with different ways of planting his crops. 他一向是不厌其烦地尝试各种播种农作物的方法。
He was nicked for stealing . 他因偷窃而被捕.
He was nicked for stealing. 他因偷窃而被捕.
He was nicknamed Shorty because he was so tall! 因为他很高, 就给他起个外号叫`矮子'.
He was nigh upon20 miles. 他离家差不多有20哩。
He was no better when I returned, and as the morning passed we came to realize that he had a urinary problem. 当我回来时,他并未好转,快到中午时,我们发觉他撒尿有问题。
He was no end confused when I saw him. 我看见他的时候,他非常不安。
He was no longer attracted to his wife. 他对太座不再有好感。

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