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    Rescue officials said 36 people were killed.

    中文: 据当地救援人员称,有36人在这起事故中死亡。 更详细进入...
    You say coz I still got my soul.

    中文: 你说,“因为我还有灵魂。” 更详细进入...
    I consider this vision and channeling process worthwhile because it provides an additional point of view from which you can live spirituality.

    中文: 我以为这种显灵和通灵是有价值的,因为它为你提供了另一种你能具有灵性地生活的观点。 更详细进入...
    Both MAC and PC platforms are supported, along with all major page composition and image manipulation programs, giving us the ability to handle both native files as well as supplied PostScript files.

    中文: MAC和PC平台均可提供支援,同时也支援主要的美工和排版软体,处理底片以及档案的能力游刃有馀。 更详细进入...
    The integration of the higher education of law and legal aid is not only the requirement of the development of legal aid but alto the need of the the innovation of legal profession education.

    中文: 摘要高等法学教育与法律援助的有机整合,是法律援助自身发展的要求,又是法学教育改革之必然。 更详细进入...
    SEAN : Do you have a soul mate?

    中文: 尚恩:你有心灵伴侣吗? 更详细进入...
    Psionic creatures otherwise follow all the rules for psionic combat (see Chapter 4: Psionics).

    中文: 灵能生物在其他方面遵循关于心灵战斗的所有规则(参见第四章“灵能综述”)。 更详细进入...
    Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement; nimble.

    中文: 敏捷的,灵活的具有迅速、轻巧和易动特点的;灵活的 更详细进入...
    Something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition.

    中文: 幻影,幽灵明显可见但没有物质的实体;幻影或幽灵 更详细进入...
    Although Augustine's City of God provided the inspiration for this work, there can be of course no comparison between the great African theologian's magnum opus and my feeble attempt.

    中文: 尽管奥古斯丁的「上帝之城」是本书的灵感来源,我这本微不足道的书却无法与伟大的非洲神学家奥古斯丁的堂皇钜着相提并论。 更详细进入...
    As a CAS pilot you have the capability to dramatically influence the course of a battle with the timely delivery of your ordnance.

    中文: 作为近距离空中支援飞机飞行员,你有能力通过及时的火力支援而戏剧性地改变战争的进程。 更详细进入...
    With Gonzalo Higuain now at Real, Robinho's long-term future is under scrutiny and Juve are keen to explore the possibility of luring the wing ace to Turin.

    中文: 因为现在有伊瓜因,罗比尼奥在皇马长期的前途需要仔细观察。尤文很想了解将这名边锋吸引到都灵的可能性。 更详细进入...
    There is more about Rescue organizations at the end of this file.

    中文: 在文件的后面附有部分拉拉救援组织的清单。 更详细进入...
    There are people in this world for whom the word esotericseems to act as a divine ichor.

    中文: 对于这个世界上的某些人,“深奥”这个词似乎具有一种灵丹妙药的功效,正像《魔山》中裴波尔克伦先生对“安居”的反应。 更详细进入...
    He's a man without a soul.

    中文: 他是个没有灵性的人。 更详细进入...
    CA commands and brigades are organized to support civil administration in support of FNs.

    中文: 民政的指挥部与团部是为了支援外国中支援民政治理。 更详细进入...
    Heb. 2:16 For assuredly it is not to angels that He gives help, but He gives help to the seed of Abraham.

    中文: 来二16诚然他不是救援天使,乃是救援亚伯拉罕的后裔。 更详细进入...
    Antonio told him that all his ships were at sea and he had no money at present.

    中文: 安东尼奥告诉巴萨尼奥他的所有船只都在海上,现在他手上一点钱都没有。 更详细进入...
    Syria denies helping Iraq or its fleeing officials.

    中文: 叙利亚否认有援助伊拉克或逃亡的伊拉克官员。 更详细进入...
    Oscar: Oh. I hadn't thought of that.

    中文: 奥斯卡:喔,我没有想到这个。 更详细进入...

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