Appropriate measures to ensure segregation of duties.
中文: 采取适当措施确保责任的划分。 更详细进入...
Preservation and Extraction of Genomic DNA from Insects
中文: 昆虫全基因组DNA的保存及提取 更详细进入...
As the norms of heritage conservation in Australia, the Burra Charter is a programmatic document guiding the conservation from a new angle of view.
中文: 《巴拉宪章》作为澳大利亚文物古迹保护的准则,是一部以新的视角指导遗产保护的纲领性文件。 更详细进入...
Effect of Ca2 on Forming Escherichia coli Competencce for Uptaking Exogenous DNA
中文: Ca2 对诱导大肠杆菌摄取外源DNA的影响 更详细进入...
To organise, measure and take corrective action in order to ensure that inbound service quality meets customer requirements and Group Standards.
中文: 管理、测量以及采取相应措施以确保出口服务质量能满足我们的客户要求及总部标准。 更详细进入...
The short range surface-to-air missiles would be used to protect metropolitan Tokyo if interceptors fired from U.S. or Japanese ships failed to knock down incoming missiles.
中文: 如果从美国或日本军舰上发射的拦截导弹不能击落来袭导弹的话,这些短程地对空导弹将可以用来保护东京大都市地区。 更详细进入...
The short range surface-to-air mi iles would be used to protect metropolitan Tokyo if interceptors fired from U.S. or Japanese shi failed to knock down incoming mi iles.
中文: 如果从美国或日本军舰上发射的拦截导弹不能击落来袭导弹的话,这些短程地对空导弹将可以用来保护东京大都市地区。 更详细进入...
Precision linearity rail move and ensure to print exactly and high repeat precision.
中文: 精密线性导轨导向引动,确保准确印刷和高重复精度。 更详细进入...
6 Special precautions shall be taken to protect scaffold structure including any wire or fiber ropes when using a heat producing process.
中文: 当应用产生热量的工艺时,必须采取特别的预防措施来保护脚手架结构,包括任何导线或纤维绳索。 更详细进入...
The Insured shall take all practicable safety measures to prevent accidents from happening while the insured building is undergoing the aforesaid process.
中文: 被保险人应采取一切安全措施以防止在维修或装修过程中发生意外。 更详细进入...
To manage, measure and take corrective action in order to ensure that export service quality meets our customer requirements and Group Standards.
中文: 管理、测量以及采取相应措施以确保出口服务质量能满足我们的客户要求及总部标准。 更详细进入...
I can't vouch for the truth of the report.
中文: 我不能担保那篇报导的真实性。 更详细进入...
Imports Protection to make sure noone knows the API function used until he meets them in the code.
中文: 导入表保护以防止查询程序用到的API函数,而只能从代码中看到它们。 更详细进入...
Based on the current-rising-rate protection and current increment protection, the principle of DDL protection as well as its action equation is presented.
中文: 以电流上升率保护和电流增量保护为基础,提出了一种新型的DDL保护方法及整定原则,并推导出了完整的动作方程。 更详细进入...
The law protects trade secrets from wrongful appropriation.
中文: 法律保护商业秘密不被非法窃取。 更详细进入...
The law protects trade secrets from wwrongful appropriation.
中文: 法律保护商业秘密不被非法窃取。 更详细进入...
Unholding the stategies of Unity, Diligentce, Strengthening connotation, Dealing with External change, Promoting develoment, and the aims of Striving for subsistence by quality , Striving for development by science and technlogy, we'll keep forging ahead
中文: 公司本着“团结、勤奋、强内涵、应外变、促发展”的战略,以“质量求生存”以“科技求发展”为方针,不断进取,并致力于产品研制及开发,以科技为先导,确保产品质量来满足国内外客户需求。 更详细进入...
What procedures are in place to ensure that amounts posted to cost of sales represent those associated with inventories sold/shipped?
中文: 采取什么程序以保证结转的销售成本金额与已销售/已发运的货物一致? 更详细进入...
Yes, I'd like full coverage. How much will you charge for it?
中文: 要,我要保全险.你们索取多少费用? 更详细进入...
The party leader has been supplanted by his rival.
中文: 那位政党领导已被他的对手取而代之了。 更详细进入...