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    Ballantines 21 years old is regarded by many as the ultimate in supreme premium Scotch whisky - an understated, classic gift offering.

    中文: 在苏格兰高级威士忌品牌中,百龄坛21年被视为其中的极品,它蜜糖般的香甜及入口时的香郁醇和,令人回味无穷。 更详细进入...
    Hanging clothes up to dry at night is forbidden too, which doesn't really make any sense if you ask me.

    中文: 鬼月时也不可以在晚上晾衣服。如果你问我的话,我觉得这个禁忌没什麽道理。 更详细进入...
    These taboo words in Sichuan dialect have their rich glossary and embody Sichuan's customs, language and other characteristics.

    中文: 四川人的禁忌语体现了较多的风俗、语言(包括语音、词汇等)等方面的地域特点。 更详细进入...
    The insurance is available on-line, too, not only for the younger generation, but so that those who observe a taboo on discussing the subject of Ghost Month can still buy the insurance.

    中文: 老人家一向忌讳谈鬼月,因此产险业者也就开放线上投保,也抢攻到抢攻毫无忌惮的年轻市场。 更详细进入...
    I am void... Where prohibited.

    中文: 我是虚无的……在被禁止的地方。 更详细进入...
    When you make a complain you don't spare their feelings, do you? You really go to town!

    中文: 你提意见时不管别人情绪的,对吗?你真是无所顾忌! 更详细进入...
    Due to this harsh reality, the German Economic Minister Wolfgang Clement has finally broken a taboo and brought the problem of East German reconstruction to the table.

    中文: 因此最近德国经济部长沃夫冈?克雷门特终于打破禁忌,将德东重建问题搬上檯面。 更详细进入...
    At the end of the war, the land grab by the Chiang government was even more callous and more open.

    中文: 抗战结束后,蒋介石政府对土地的侵夺更加肆无忌惮。 更详细进入...
    Never use this device without water.Please switch off the power if the water runs out.

    中文: 本装置禁止无水使用,如无通水时,请断开电源。 更详细进入...
    THE wanton violence during Sierra Leone's 11-year civil war was exceptionally barbaric.

    中文: 在塞拉利昂内战中出现的肆无忌惮的暴行简直就是史无前例的野蛮。 更详细进入...
    You could win millions! The sky's the limit!

    中文: 你有可能赢数百万. 无尽无休! 更详细进入...
    Flip-flop sandals weighed in next on the list of fashion mistakes, followed by Hawaiian prints and shorts, it said.

    中文: 调查显示,夹指凉拖为工作场合的第二大穿衣禁忌,夏威夷印染衫和短裤名列其后。 更详细进入...
    Taboo words showed the esthetic tendency of ancient people's pursuing elegance and human feeling in using language.

    中文: 避讳是言语有所禁忌的表现,呈现了古人在语言运用中追求雅化、人情化的审美倾向。 更详细进入...
    Born in 1954: Don't lend money to friends or you'll never see it again.

    中文: 民国四十三年出生者:切忌借钱给朋友,否则有去无回。 更详细进入...
    Chemonucleolysis is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to papaya or who have previously been injected with chymopapain.

    中文: 对番木瓜过敏的病人,或以前曾经注射过木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的人,化学核溶解法是禁忌证。 更详细进入...
    A: Will you have the whisky straight up or on the rocks?

    中文: 您要纯威士忌还是加冰威士忌? 更详细进入...
    Someone who has “no-self” has transcended hatreds, ignorance, jealousy, and clinging to ignorance.

    中文: 一个无我的人已经超越了嗔恨、愚痴、妒忌及执妄的层面。 更详细进入...
    A holistic body massages using essential oils to harmonize the body, mind and spirit. The course teaches the massage technique, benefits, contra-indication and simple blending technique.

    中文: 教授全身按摩技巧、效益、禁忌,及如何配合精华油按摩身体,以消除紧张压力、平衡身心。 更详细进入...
    Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse.

    中文: 投鼠忌器。 更详细进入...
    I can't forbid you/your seeing that man again.

    中文: 我无法禁止你再和那个男人来往。 更详细进入...

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