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I am void... Where prohibited.

I am very worried for Kim Jong Kook beacuse he looks pale these days. 我很担心金钟国因为最近他看起来很憔悴。
I am vexed at his failure. 我对他的失败感到苦恼。
I am victorious... and as for you! 我胜利了...至于你。
I am visiting my grandmother tomorrow. 我明天将去看望我的奶奶。
I am visiting my uncle this afternoon. 我下午去叔叔家。
I am void... Where prohibited. 我是虚无的……在被禁止的地方。
I am waiting for a positive reply from the law firm. 我在等待这家律师事务所的肯定答复。
I am waiting for elder brother's bookmaking about Chinese Dao Jian History! 我等待老大这本中国刀剑历史性的巨作!
I am waiting in Lhasa, hoping to get a ticket for the Potala as early as possible so as to make a perfect ending to my journey to Tibet. 我在拉萨等候着,希望早一些得到布达拉宫的门票,为这次青藏之旅画上一个圆满的句号。
I am waiting with a smiling heart,wishing a man from apart,teaching me swimming,touching my heart,forever we live and never we will be apart. 我讨厌刘建宏一惊一诈的叫声,不是解说而是球迷,太带有个人感情色彩。。。
I am wake up to my mistake. 我意识到我错了。

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