Being alone in that gloomy house gave me the willies.
中文: 我一个人在那所阴暗的房子心里就发毛. 更详细进入...
The clinical analysis between the occurrence of ventricular premature beat and the heart rate change among coronary heart disease(CHD);
中文: 冠心病病人室早发生与心率变化临床分析 更详细进入...
Self-deception about relationships is a problem.
中文: 摩羯座:对于关系自欺欺人是你的困难。 更详细进入...
Self-deception is likely to get the better of you this week.
中文: 巨蟹:自欺欺人只会弄得自己遍体鳞伤。 更详细进入...
Something intended to deceive; a hoax or fraud.
中文: 瞒骗,欺诈用于骗人的东西;骗局或欺诈 更详细进入...
Super-Deluxe cheat unlocks all cheat codes.
中文: 超级-高级的欺骗开启所有的欺骗密码。 更详细进入...
Morphological Features of Left and Right Ventricular Bands in Goat Heart
中文: 山羊心室条索的形态学特征 更详细进入...
Morphology observation of left ventricular false tendons
中文: 左心室假腱索的形态学观察 更详细进入...
The nearer to church, the farther from God.
中文: 近庙欺神。 更详细进入...
Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle.
中文: 心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。 更详细进入...
Extra protection was ordered for the president on worries of an assassination attempt.
中文: (由于担心暗杀企图,总统安排了额外的警备。) 更详细进入...
I could be handy, mending a fuse. When your light have gone.
中文: 当你心情像灯一样变暗时,我会快速的修补好你心中的保险丝。 更详细进入...
And you will be groping at noonday just as the blind man gropes in darkness; and you will not succeed in your ventures, but will only be oppressed and plundered always; and no one will save you.
中文: 29你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样;你所行的必不顺利,只会时常遭遇欺压、抢夺,无人搭救。 更详细进入...
This apparent interest of his in modern music is completely pseudo.
中文: 他对现代音乐显露出的雅兴纯属自欺欺人. 更详细进入...
It's no use burying your head in the sand .You should try to solve the problem.
中文: 自欺欺人是没有用的。你应该尝试解决问题。 更详细进入...
Harry crossed the dingy landing, turned the bedroom doorknob which was shaped like a serpent's head, and opened the door.
中文: 哈里穿过了阴暗的走廊,转动了像蛇一样的卧室门把手,然后打开门。 更详细进入...
The researchers therefore ealuated left entricular wall motion in 74 patients with left entricular dysfunction and ejection fractions below 40%.
中文: 因此研究者研究了74例左心室功能不全,射血分数低于40%的病人的左心室壁的运动。 更详细进入...
Beware...darkness is murder's most favored companion.
中文: 沙洛佛克:当心啊...黑暗是谋杀最喜欢的同伴呀。 更详细进入...
Out of desperation you shove a few banknotes into his hand, hoping that you're neither given too much or too little.
中文: 最终,你近乎绝望地把几张钞票塞进他手里,心中暗暗希望你给的小费不多也不少。 更详细进入...